– The Role of Financial Institutions in Agricultural Development – 

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This study examined the role of financial institutions in agricultural development.( A case study of Nigeria Agricultural Cooperative and Rural Development Bank) with a view to make useful suggestions and recommendations as way of enhancing the development of agricultural sector.

The population of the study includes large and small scale farmers and the sampling method adopted for the study is the stratified random sampling in order to ensure adequate representation of the population.

In order to achieve the objective of making useful suggestions that would improve the agricultural sector, a number of hypotheses were made and tested. Samples of one hundred and eighty responses were collected and analyzed using the chi-square (ײ).

It was discovered that bank credit loan scheme is making some impacts in lending loans to farmers.

The result also showed that farmers prefer informal to the formal sources of finance mostly because of the demand of formal institutions that farmers most present collateral security. Finally, the study also indicated that the problems facing agricultural financing.


APPROVAL           i


Dedication       iii

Acknowledgement     iv

Outline page         v

Abstract       1


1.1Background to the study.      2

1.2 Statement of Research Problem.          2

1.3 Research Questions    3

1.4 Objectives of A Study.            3

1.5 Statement of the Research Hypothesis.     3

1.6 Scope of A Study.        4

1.7 Significance of A Study        4

1.8 Limitation of the Study.    5

1.9 Definition of Terms       5


2.1 Theoretical Background.       7

2.3 Agricultural credit policies       9

  • Bank Credit for Agricultural Development. 11

2.5 The Role of Parastatals in the Development of Agriculture in Nigeria.    11

2.6 Commercial Agriculture Credit Scheme (CACS)     13

2.7 Bank of Agriculture Limited (BOA).   16

2.8 Assessment of Banking Industries Development of Agriculture ,Future Expectation.            17

2.9 Extension Research and Rural Development Strategies In Aid Of Agricultural.            20

2.10 Importance of Credit Facilities In Agriculture           21

2.11 Constraints of the Nigerian Agricultural Sector        21


3.1 Introduction          23

3.2 Research Design  23

3.3 Population of the Study            23

3.4 Sampling Design        23

3.5 Methods of Data Collection   23

3.6 Method of Data Analysis     24

3.7 Sources of Data.     24


4.1 Introduction       25

4.2 Educational level of respondents    25

4.3 Level of Operation       26

4.4 The Analysis of roles of financial institution in Agricultural Development  26

4.5 Test of Hypothes       31


5.1 Summary of Findings       37

5.2 Conclusion  38

5.3 Recommendations         39


APPENDIX       45


Nigeria is endowed with natural resources, large fertile arable land, wide range of crops, and abundant water resources amongst others. Despite its abundant natural resources it is faced with a poor food situation.

The poor food situation is traceable to the decline in the agricultural sector. The problem of feeding is increasing by the day.

Prior to the discovery of petroleum in Nigeria agriculture used to be the highest foreign exchange resource earner and its contribution to gross domestic product GDP has been estimated to about 62.63% in 1960, 48.08% in 1970, and 20.63% in 1980.

One of those efforts was the ban made on importation of agricultural products like palm oil, maize and rice. This was done to encourage improvements on our production standard.

Due to the fall in the level of production from decade to decade, the country could no longer feed the large population, provide raw material for domestic industries, engage in export of agricultural produce and employ the labor force of the country despite the abundance of human and material resources.

Though, the Nigerian agriculture is characterized by low farm income, low level capacity to satisfy the food In spite of growing urbanization, Nigeria is known to be predominantly rural in nature and majority of needs of the country, due to the outdated and primitive techniques of production, it is still the mainstay of the nation’s economy.


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