Friendship boundaries are things you do to keep yourself safe in a friendship. They help protect you from people who may hurt you emotionally or physically. They also keep you from hurting others in the same way. Friendships can be complicated, especially when it comes to setting boundaries. While some friendships are easy to define, others are much more complex.

Boundaries help you understand how much time you want to spend with someone, how close you want to get with them and what kind of topics are okay for discussion or not. Both people in the friendship must respect each other’s boundaries.

To have healthy friendships, you need to know what boundaries you’re comfortable with and your expectations for the relationship. These friendship boundaries quotes will help you maintain and respect a boundary in your friendships.

Friendship boundaries are the limits that you set for your friendships. They are based on your own needs, wants and feelings. There is nothing wrong with having boundaries, but there is something wrong with not respecting another person’s boundaries or not having any yourself.

1. Friendship boundaries are the limits of your friendship. They are the rules you agree to follow to protect yourself and your friend.

2. Friendship boundaries are very important for protecting yourself from being taken advantage of or feeling used by your friends. They help define what is acceptable behaviour in a friendship.

3. Friendship boundaries can be physical, emotional, or intellectual. They may also vary depending on the situation or circumstance.

4. Friendship boundaries can also vary depending on how close you are to someone. Having clear boundaries helps you know where you end and others begin.

5. Friendship boundaries are the limits or guidelines you set for yourself and your friends. They’re what you believe to be okay and not okay in your relationships with others.

6. Friendship boundaries can be physical, emotional, intellectual or spiritual. They help define what is acceptable in a relationship and help you know when something is wrong or has become too much of a burden.

7. When we don’t have friendship boundaries, we can feel stuck in toxic relationships without knowing how to get out of them.

8. Having good friendship boundaries is important because it helps us protect ourselves from being taken advantage of by others.

9. Friendship boundaries are a necessary part of every friendship. They are a set of rules that determine how you will behave with your friends, how they will behave with you, and how both parties expect to be treated by each other.

10. Friendship boundaries help us understand acceptable behaviour between friends and what isn’t. They also help us maintain a sense of self-respect when we’re interacting with others.

11. Friendship boundaries are important because they make it easier for us to decide when something is going wrong in our relationships with friends and family members.

12. If someone crosses your friendship boundary, it’s important that you know what happened so that you can take steps to fix the problem and prevent future incidents from happening again.

13. When we don’t have any clear friendship boundaries in place, it can be difficult for us to tell when someone is being selfish or inconsiderate toward us because there’s no clear way for us to define our expectations of them.

14. Friendship boundaries make it easier for us to identify selfish behaviour to deal with it appropriately.

15. Friendship boundaries are just as important as relationship boundaries. All relationships need to have boundaries to be healthy.

16. When setting up your friendship boundaries, you want to ensure that you’re protecting yourself and still allowing the other person to feel free in the relationship.

17. The first step in setting friendship boundaries is understanding your needs. It will help you better understand how much space you need in a friendship.

18. Friendship boundaries can be just as important as relationship boundaries. It’s important to understand your needs to set up boundaries that suit you.

19. Friendship boundaries are important to keep your friendship healthy and positive. All relationships require boundaries, including friendships.

20. Setting up friendship boundaries is important to stay connected to whomever you’re with. Having boundaries makes sure that you and the other person are both happy.

21. One of the most important people in your life is your best friend. Like any other relationship, it’s important to maintain healthy friendship boundaries with them.

22. Having good friendship boundaries is important because it helps us protect ourselves from being taken advantage of by others.

23. Keeping good friendship boundaries helps you stay strong in relationships and enjoy spending time with your friends.

24. Having good friendship boundaries is important, especially knowing how and when to say no. Mind your own business by having clear boundaries helps you be better heard.

25. Remember, telling a friend is okay if you can’t help them with something. It is sometimes called having good friendship boundaries.

26. Friendship boundaries are important to help protect friendships. By knowing when and how to set these, we can protect ourselves.

27. Boundaries are rules that help us feel safe and secure. Having clear friendship boundaries helps you know where you end and others begin.

28. Friendship boundaries are a crucial part of healthy relationships. Friendship isn’t about whom you’ve known the longest. It’s about who came and never left your side.

29. Friendship boundaries are the rules you set for yourself and others regarding friendships. If you don’t set boundaries, it’s easy for friendships to get out of control and turn into something more.

30. Friendship boundaries are the invisible lines between you and your friends. These boundaries help you keep your friendships healthy, strong and positive.

31. Friendship boundaries protect yourself from getting hurt or taken advantage of by your friends. It helps you maintain a sense of autonomy and self-respect.

32. Friendship boundaries help you set limits on what you are willing to do for your friends. Setting boundaries is a healthy way of ensuring you stay in control of your relationships.

33. The best way to think of friendship boundaries is as a fence around your heart, mind and soul. You need to know where these fences are to protect yourself from being hurt or taken advantage of by others.

34. Friendship boundaries are the limits you set around your friendship. They’re the things you won’t let your friends get away with and the things you refuse to do for them.

35. But it can also be difficult to set friendship boundaries because we don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings or make them angry at us.

36. Friendship boundaries are the invisible lines that you have in place to protect your friendships and relationships.

37. Friendship boundaries can be physical, emotional, or mental. They can also be social or personal. A friendship that can be put in words is not a true friendship.

38. Friendship boundaries help you stay true to yourself and avoid being manipulated by others. They let you know what you’re comfortable with, so you don’t have to feel like a pushover.

39. Friendship boundaries are important to have in place, especially if you’re in a relationship. They can help you through tough times in your relationship and keep things from getting out of hand.

40. Friendship boundaries are rules that help you keep your friendship healthy. It also helps you and your friends communicate effectively with each other.

41. Friendship boundaries are similar to rules in relationships, but they may be even more important in friendships because they don’t have the same emotional attachment as romantic relationships.

42. Friendship boundaries are a way of making sure that you and your friend are getting the most out of your relationship. By setting boundaries, you can create the type of friendship that works well for both of you.

43. Friendship boundaries will help you avoid misunderstandings, resentments and other problems that can come up when friends spend time together.

44. Setting friendship boundaries can be hard because you don’t want to appear unfriendly or rude. But all friendships have limits. If you don’t set them, your friendship could end up one-sided.

45. Friendship boundaries are like the walls of a house or apartment. They keep the things inside and the things outside out. They keep us safe, healthy and happy.

46. You will get hurt if you don’t have friendship boundaries. You’ll get taken advantage of, criticized, belittled and devalued until you have nothing left to give.

47. If you have good friendship boundaries between you and your friends, you’ll be able to give freely without getting depleted or taken advantage of.

48. Friendship boundaries are the rules that keep friendships healthy and positive. They can also keep your relationships from becoming too complicated or emotionally messy.

49. If you want to keep your friendship strong, it’s important to establish clear friendship boundaries. Friendship is a mutual feeling of affection, with mutual faith and hope.

50. Friendship boundaries tell us what we should and shouldn’t do in a friendship. Boundaries keep friendships healthy and positive. They guide you on what is and isn’t appropriate in a friendship.

51. Friendship boundaries tell you what a friendship is and how it should operate. These boundaries help you to know when to stop or go when helping someone else.

52. Friendship boundaries are the rules we set to keep our friendships healthy and positive. A friendship boundary is a line that tells us where to draw the line in a relationship.

53. Friendship boundaries will help you to maintain a healthy friendship and have one that lasts. A true friend overlooks your failures and tolerates your successes.

54. Friendship boundaries are crucial to maintaining healthy relationships. A friend is someone who knows all about you and loves you anyway.

55. Friendship boundaries are the limit or extent of your relationship with another person. It separates you and your friend from other people in your life, like family members and co-workers.

56. Friendship boundaries keep you from getting too close to someone who could be a bad influence on you or from getting too far away from someone who means a lot to you.

57. If you don’t set clear friendship boundaries for how you want to interact with other people, then it’s easy for things to get out of hand.

58. Friendship boundaries are important, and they can be a little tricky. We all want to be around people we like, but sometimes those people may not be good for us.

59. Friendship boundaries are essential for maintaining healthy friendships. They help you to feel more in control of the friendship and protect you from feeling hurt, upset, jealous, angry or sad.

60. When you don’t have friendship boundaries, you may feel used or resentful in the relationship, which is why setting them from the beginning is important.

61. Friendship boundaries define the limits of your friendship with another person. It includes what type of behaviour is allowed or expected from each person and what isn’t acceptable.

62. Friendship boundaries help you to know where to draw the line in your relationship with someone else. So establishing clear limits can help prevent conflicts between friends over time.

63. Friendship boundaries are a way to keep your relationship with your friends healthy and happy. They help you know what’s okay and what isn’t okay in your friendships.

64. Friendship boundaries help you know what’s okay and what’s not okay in your friendships. They also help you decide if someone is a good friend or not.

65. Friendship boundaries help you maintain a sense of self and protect your interests and values. Boundaries are a way to make your friendships happy.

66. Friendship boundaries are rules to live by when you have a friend. They help you learn what’s okay and not in your friendship.

67. Friendship boundaries are a good way to help stop you from putting up with friends who make you feel bad or do things you don’t like.

68. Friendship boundaries help your friendships stay healthy, happy, and strong. They help you decide if someone is a good friend or not.

69. Friendship boundaries are a way to have the best relationships with your friends. Think of it as an operating manual for your friendships.

70. Friendship boundaries are a way of setting limits in your friendship so it stays healthy and happy. Good friends respect and understand each other’s boundaries.

71. Friendship boundaries are important because they help us to maintain the balance of our relationships. Friendship boundaries can be physical, emotional, or intellectual.

72. Friendship boundaries help you to know when your friendship is becoming too much for you to handle. They allow you to say no when your friend asks you for something that is not in your best interest.

73. Friendship boundaries help you to know when your friend is taking advantage of your friendship. They also give you the power to stop being used by others.

74. The most important thing about friendship boundaries is that they are for your benefit, not anyone else’s.

75. In good friendships, there are healthy friendship boundaries. Being honest and offering support when it is needed.

76. Friendship boundaries are a vital part of a healthy friendship. It’s also important to not crowd a friend or pressure them for more than what they can give.

77. Friendship boundaries are the limits you place on your friendships. The rules you live by define how you treat people, what you expect from them, and how they should treat you.

78. Friendship boundaries are important because they protect you from people who don’t respect you or your time. They also help ensure that your friends feel safe around you.

79. Friendship boundaries are the limits you place on your friendships. The rules you live by define how you treat people, what you expect from them, and how they should treat you.

80. Friendship boundaries are the rules you live by that protect you from people who don’t respect you. They also help your friends feel safe around you.

81. friendship boundaries are the rules you live by to define how you treat people, what you expect from them, and how they should treat you.

82. Friendship boundaries keep you safe by helping you know what to expect from your friends, what to ask them, and how to communicate with them.

83. Friendship boundaries are the rules that define your relationships with friends and family members. They help you decide what kind of interaction is appropriate.

84. Friendship boundaries can help keep your friendships from failing. If you have no boundaries, it can be not easy to know where one person’s needs end and another begins.

85. Setting up good friendship boundaries requires honesty and self-awareness. It would help if you were honest with yourself so that you can recognize when someone else is crossing the line.

86. Friendship boundaries are a way to let friends know what you need from them and what they can expect from you.

87. Friendship boundaries are important because they help to ensure that friendships don’t cross into unhealthy territory. They can also help you decide whether or not a relationship is worth maintaining.

88. Friendship boundaries are a way to communicate with friends to set clear boundaries and keep friendships healthy.

89. Friendship boundaries established earlier can help you decide whether a friendship is worth maintaining.

90. Friendship boundaries establish personal space while creating environments where it’s safe to be honest and grow.

91. We all need to set friendship boundaries with our friends and decide what we’re willing to put up with from our loved ones.

92. Friendship boundaries are an important part of healthy relationships. If you don’t set boundaries, it can lead to you feeling used, taken advantage of, or even drained.

93. It’s important to know what healthy friendship boundaries are. A healthy friendship boundary is where both people feel like they’re getting something for themselves, not just giving.

94. Establishing friendship boundaries with friends is an important part of building friendships. You deserve to have good friends that respect you.

95. Friendship boundaries are the rules of engagement when you are friends with someone else. They help you know what you can expect from your friend and what they can expect from you.

96. Friendship boundaries also protect both parties from feeling taken advantage of or disrespected by their relationship.

97. Setting up friendship boundaries is not always easy, but it is necessary if you want your friendships to last for years.

98. Setting up friendship boundaries is not always easy, but it is necessary if you want your friendships to last for years.

99. Friendship boundaries are what you expect from your friends and what they expect from you. They protect you both.

100. Friendship boundaries are essential to maintaining close, healthy relationships. They help you set limits so that you don’t take advantage of others and allow for the freedom to be yourself.

For the sake of your friendship, draw your boundaries and keep them healthy. If a friend doesn’t treat you with respect or starts to hurt you emotionally or physically, then it may be time to take action and put a stop to it. Our friends are special people in our lives, but they should never cause pain.

Hope these friendship boundaries quotes were exactly what you needed. Feel free to share them with all your friends. Thanks.

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