-The Impact of Family Planning Campaign On Ibagwa Couples In Igbo Eze South Local Government Area Enugu State –

Download The Impact of Family Planning Campaign On Ibagwa Couples In Igbo Eze South Local Government Area Enugu State project materials: This project material is ready for students who are in need of it to aid their research.


The study examined the impact of on . The study highlighted the factors militating against appreciable acceptance of .

It further sought solutions to the hindrances. Simple random sample of three hundred and fifty (350) respondents was drawn from the seven (7) villagers that make up the research question.

Simple percentage was the instrument used for data analysis. In the light of the findings practical recommendation were made.


Title page      i

Approval page    ii

Certification    iii

Dedication           iv

Acknowledgement      v

Table of contents         vi

Abstract       ix

Chapter One

Introduction              1

Background of the study      1

Statement of problem      7

Purpose of the study   9

Significance of the study     9

Scope of the study     10


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