Interrogating the Northern Nigerian Society.


This research work deals mainly with interrogating the Northern Nigerian Society, a case study of Habiba by Razinat T Muhammad.

This project contains four chapters. Chapter one comprises the introduction, Aims and objectives, Significance of the study, Statement of the problem, scope and limitation and brief biography of the Author. Chapter

Two entails the literature review, chapter three deals with interrogating the Northern Nigerian society by Razinat .T. Muhammad. Chapter four contains the summary and conclusion of this research.

Table Of Contents

Title page




Table of content


  • Introduction
  • Aims and Objective
  • Significance of the study
  • Statement of the problem
  • Scope and limitation.
  • Brief biography of the Author


  • Introduction
  • Literary development in Northern
  • Review of related Literatures
  • Conclusion


  • Introduction
  • Plot summary of the text
  • Interrogating the Northern Nigerian society
  • Conclusion


  • Summary and Conclusion
  • Works cited


Background Of Study

This chapter introduces the focus of the research. It gives background knowledge of the study, defines the concept of literature, analyses its function and also the role of the writer in the society.

This study recognizes that when a writer creates a piece of work, they cannot be different to the nature of social relations in whose framework they create, because the writer is a human being living in a given social system.

Literature becomes the means through which the writer tells people about the situation of things by creating awareness to the societies cultural, political and socio-economic realities.

Just as literature reflects the society, it also influences and shape society. Literature functions socially to maintain and stabilize the social order.

The function of literature in the society is very crucial in the sense that it educates, mobilizes and even enlightens. Achebe (1965:22) agrees with the above.

Works cited

Asoo, F. (2006). The African novel and the realist tradition. Makurdi: Aboki Publishers.

Joseph, A. (2005). ‘The novel in English in Northern Nigeria: A critical study of Its scope, nature and development’. A ph D thesis submitted to Ahmadu Bello University.

Soyinka, W. (1968). The writer in a modern African State. In per Wastberg (ed).New York: Africana Publisher Corp.

Alkali, Z. (2004). Cobwebs and other stories. Ikeja: Longman Publishers.

Gimba, A. (1991). Sunset for a Mandarine . Illupeju: West African Press.

Gimba, A. (1994). I’d Rather Die. Zaria: Ahmadu Bello University press Ltd.

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