I hope you will eventually learn that there is only one ‘race,’ the human race, of which we are all members. Compassion and love are basics, not extras. Humanity cannot thrive without them. Who are we as human beings if we overlook other people’s suffering?

Love is the human being’s highest grace, the soul’s purest right, the golden thread that links us to duty and truth, and the redemptive principle that most effectively reconciles the heart to live. Love others as you love yourself; by loving others, you will be a good human being who has peace of mind.

Selflessness gives you the strength and bravery to awaken your heart’s sleeping humanity. You must not be selfish to others but live a giving and warm-hearted life as a good human. Being a good person has nothing to do with your religion, race, skin colour, or culture. It all comes down to how good your heart is and how well you treat others.

Here are some core values that you should hold. These be a good human being quotes will inspire you to be more compassionate and improve the world.

Only wonderful people surround me. I’ve been given that, therefore I don’t have an option but to be a nice person. To be a good human being, you must have a certain level of openness to the world and the ability to trust uncontrollable things that can break you.

1. Always try to be a nice human. Forgive others and never judge anyone.

2. A nice human being is always caring, loving, and humble with other people.

3. Be a nice, warm-hearted, and affectionate person. That is my fundamental belief. When everyone puts their cell phones away, having dinner with the family is an example of warm-heartedness.

4. My basic belief? Be a warm-hearted, kind person. That’s the core of who I am, shaping who I am today.

5. At the end of the day, I want to feel that I have been a good human being. I want to see the people in my life feel love and confidence because they are connected to me. For me, warmth is the real measure of success.

6. When I see my family at dinner, I make an effort to put down my phone and connect with them. I am a good human being. No more, no less.

7. I’m a fan of warm human-centred design; I love to be at home with my family and friends. I want technology to bring warmth, pleasure, and intimacy into people’s lives.

8. I believe that being good to others — and treating them the way I want to be treated — is the most important thing in life.

9. We truly cherish the values of humanism and family and will do our best to be the most reliable manufacturer in this industry.

10. Always be yourself. If you are yourself, that’s the best way to “sell” yourself.

11. I want to be recognized as a good human being. I want to be appreciated for all that I do. I want to be someone who people can be proud of.

12. Be a good human; always try to help others, respect others, and love your life and other living beings.

13. Be nice to others. It’s not called being kind, but it’s the duty of a good human being.

14. Be a nice human, and you will always feel good.

15. Being a nice human is much better than portraying a life of mediocrity. Humility, passion, and hard work are great virtues to emulate.

16. It’s better to be a human than a mediocre one. Be humble, be hungry, and always work harder than the competition.

17. Always be the most humble and hardest worker in the room. That’s what a nice human being does.

18. The best human beings are hungry, hungry to learn, hungry to grow, and always hungry for the next level.

19. Humility is one of the most important traits of a good human being, as it lets you be open to learning and working with people with different skill sets.

20. Never let your drive for success get the best of you. At the end of the day, it’s better to be a good person than a successful one. It’s important to help those around you and always give more than you take.

I wanted to be a good human first, and I will always be respected as a good person. I would rather be a good human being than a good television character. Being first to be a good human being will be a great achievement in life.

21. First, be a good human. Be humble: Don’t be arrogant or careless because plenty of people are waiting to take your spot as a human.

22. You’re a human being. You can do this. Maintain a healthy hunger. Constantly improve your skills to advance and be a good human first.

23. You are more than what you do as a human being. You are a highly skilled individual, and you should look out for the needs of others.

24. There is a lot to learn in life as a good human being, but the best way to learn is through experience. The more you try, the more you learn.

25. Don’t make excuses for bad behaviour. Walk away from people who mistreat you and first be a good human by not passing the bad experience to others.

26. Be first the good you wish to see in the world! Spread good vibes only.

27. We are born seconds but can live for a hundred years. It is up to each person to decide how many good works one can perform in that time.

28. Born in a matter of seconds and living for a hundred years, it is up to each individual to first decide how many good deeds they can do before they die.

29. We’re only born for a few seconds but live for more than 100 years. So, it’s up to each and every one of us how good we are in the time given to us.

30. The amount of happiness in our lives is the number of good work that we do. It’s our job to build a life out of the products that go into constructing it.

31. People are born and die every day. Some lives are long, and others are short. Don’t waste your life chasing after material goods; work hard to pursue what is meaningful and helpful.

32. We are all born in the blink of an eye, but it’s up to us how we choose to live our lives as good human beings. Experience all that life offers and do everything you’ve dreamed of doing.

33. We are only here for a short time, so let’s make the most of it.

34. Each of us has a different story, but the common thread we share is our finite time on this earth. We all have a limited number of years to live—let’s fill them with as much good as possible!

35. It’s no surprise that our little lives are so short. Our lives are just a moment, but those moments matter. Everyone has the freedom to create the life they want as a good human being.

36. Each and every one of us lives our lives differently. We all have dreams, hopes, and desires, but we must first be good humans. Some of us want to go on world tours, while others want to get married and have kids.

37. Be the reason someone smiles. Be the reason someone feels loved and believes in the goodness in people.

38. There is so much good in this life that it is impossible to do everything. So, be a good human before any other thing.

39. Spread kindness, smile, and be the reason someone’s day is brighter.

40. Be a reason for a smile, a friendly reminder to be good, positive, and encouraging when nobody else is listening.

A good human can make another person good; this indicates that your goodness will elicit kindness in society, resulting in other people being good. Believing you’re a good human and being one are two distinct things that should never be mixed together.

41. Make someone’s day by just being a good human. Reach out and make a difference in someone’s life.

42. Be the good one who makes even the grumpiest of people smile.

43. Lift someone’s spirits. Surprise them with a small act of kindness. Embrace those you care about and show them that they matter.

44. Give a gift that will warm people’s hearts. Strive to make the world a better, happier place by touching people’s lives in meaningful ways.

45. You want to make a difference in the world? Just be a good human being first.

46. Live your life and forget your age. Always try to just be a good human being.

47. Think positive, behave positively and live positively. That is the key to being a good human being.

48. Be a good human being, not a human front. Be happy, be bright, Be You.

49. Always try to be a good human being who is warm-hearted and affectionate. It will come back to you. That is my fundamental belief.

50. Be a good human being, a warm-hearted, affectionate person. That is my fundamental belief. A sense of caring and compassion will bring happiness and peace of mind to oneself and automatically create a positive atmosphere.

51. Always remember that you are a unique human being, just like everyone else.

52. When you are good, you are never forgotten. When you are bad, you are never forgiven. So, always be good.

53. We are humans, live together on this planet, and we must do good for ourselves and our neighbours.

54. A successful man can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him. Be good always.

55. The only thing necessary to triumph over evil is for good men to do nothing.

56. You are never too old to set another goal or dream a new one. Do unto others as you would have them do to you. Just be a good human being.

57. In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take. Always try to be a good human being and do the right thing.

58. Always be one of the best humans you can be. The world would be better if we all tried to be kinder.

59. Who says you can’t have great style and a kind heart too? Be the type of person you want to meet.

60. When you think about it, most of the things we do daily aren’t ground-breaking. But even so, there is a need to be good, present and engage with people around us. We are social creatures, after all. That’s what makes us human beings.

By reading and keeping up with current events, I try to be a good human being and keep up with what’s happening in the world. Our purposeful attempts to become excellent at the things we do or lay our hands on are the greatest miracle.

61. Certainty is the most important thing. These little moments are what make us into complete people. Let’s fill this world with good.

62. It’s worth remembering that we all want the same things: to live a good, happy, healthy life where instead of merely existing, we are living the best possible version of ourselves.

63. We must be kind to one another as we are all just walking each other home. Just be a good human being.

64. Be good to each other. If there’s one thing you should always try to be, it’s to be a good human being.

65. Once you’ve screwed up, let it go. Once you’ve said something hurtful, don’t say it again. Always try to be a good human being.

66. What if you’d treat others the way you treat yourself? Always be a good human being.

67. Remember, being a good human being is what matters.

68. If you’re a good human, never tell the world. Let people know you by your actions, not your words.

69. Cast a vote for kindness: be the change you wish to see in the world. Try to be a good human being.

70. Do your part and be good to yourself and others. Keep on being you, always.

71. Take a second to be kind. From one human to another, be good.

72. Be the change you wish to be. It’s not just good advice. It’s good business.

73. Being positive isn’t ‘always sunshine.’ It’s building on other people’s strengths and helping them pursue their personal goals through their journey.

74. No matter where you are or what you’re doing, always try to be a good human being.

75. Always Be a Good Human Being. Celebrate the nice things that are happening in the world.

76. Sometimes, the smallest things can make the biggest difference in someone’s day. This is the time to help others as human beings.

77. You’ll be surprised by how a small act of kindness makes your whole day a little brighter.

78. Sending good vibes your way as a good human being. Be the change you want in others.

79. You know you’re living right when everyone feels they can be themselves around you.

80. Dive into this week with spirit, compassion, and a little mischief. Be a good human being.

I’m proud of what I’ve become, my morals and the people around me. My ambition is always to be a good human being, live a good life, be loving, be near God, and bring peace to the world. In all, I desire to consistently be a good person in all I do.

81. In an age of fast speed, short attention span and speedy forgetfulness. Always be a good human to make a difference.

82. For anyone that’s ever tried to always be a good human being, but failed, millions of people, thousands of choices—but at the end of the day, we are all just trying to be a “good” human being.

83. Your actions have consequences. Always try to be a good human being.

84. Are you always a good human? If not, try to be. Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you. Be good too.

85. No matter how busy you are, always try to make time for important things and be a good human being!

86. It’s never been easier to be a good human. Do good, feel good.

87. Don’t let hate win. Spread love. Hold doors. Say “please” and “thank you. Maybe take a minute to write to a friend or family member you haven’t talked to in a while. Be good.

88. Be sunshine to everyone you meet, even if it is just smiling at them on the street.

89. Always try to be a good human being, no matter what you do in your life.

90. Try to be a good human being, a warm-hearted compassionate person. Develop a sense of universal responsibility.

91. Being a good human being will be the best thing you can do in your life to feel happy and content.

92. Be a good human being, a warm-hearted, affectionate person. That is my fundamental belief.

93. Don’t just be a person in this world. Be a light to the world. Be nice to the world, and it will be nice to you!!

94. The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honourable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.

95. Today, remember that the world can change in a moment. Let your compassion be the driving force behind how you treat others.

96. Be kind; everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.

97. The most important thing is to try and inspire people so that they can be great in whatever they want to do. Always try to be a good human being.

98. Please Be A Good Human Being, Don’t Be A Bad One. It will give them something wonderful to talk about!

99. Be a good human being, a warm-hearted, affectionate person. That is my fundamental belief.

100. It’s important to be a good human being and make your life as pure as possible.

101. Be Kind, Be Good, Be You. Be the best you possible, for your own sake. Don’t worry about anyone else. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

102. You don’t have to be great, but you must start to be great. You can’t control the outcome; all you can do is control your effort. Always try to be a good human being.

103. Never forget to be nice, When you look at your reflection. Treat others how you want to be treated, and don’t forget to spread some kindness today.

104. I think we all have a little good and bad inside of us. It’s up to us to make a daily choice to live in a way that brings out the good in ourselves and others.

105. Try to be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud. Be like the sun, constantly radiating good energy and warm smiles.

106. Share a coffee with someone new and get to know their story. Be intentional about how you approach your day and who you approach.

107. There’s a world of well-being beyond self-care. If you can’t help people, at least don’t hurt them. Be good.

108. You are good. You are loved. Always try to be a good human being. Each and every day and in every way, I will strive to be a good human being.

109. Good vibes, good coffee. Being a good human being all starts with your cup of joe.

110. Always be a support system to people around you. Life is all about helping one another along the way.

111. Be a good person and make your bed. Then, do something else good, like treat yourself to a celebratory bowl of ice cream (just be sure it’s not every day.

112. Small gestures of kindness make the world a better place. Each and every one of us can strive to be more kind – and it all starts with our smallest acts of kindness.

113. At the end of it all, we are just humans trying to be good. Stay humble. Stay kind. Shine your light. Teach someone something today. Good vibes only.

114. Be the light that shines brightest in the darkness. No matter what path you choose to follow, always try to remain a good human being. Always be kind & stay humble.

115. Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between doing a good thing and being a good person, but we can try.

116. If everyone were a little bit more like you, this world would be much better.

117. Treat others how you yourself want to be treated. A great friend makes the world a better place

118. If everyone shared their good fortune with others, the world would be a wonderful place. Today is the day to be a good human. Act on it. Be a force for good.

119. A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone and always remember the important things.

120. Doing good starts with your attitude. Be good to others because you are someone’s morning.

Being a good person is important in life; when you give good out into the world, you will receive it back. You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge one.

I hope you enjoyed the above be a good human being quotes. Do well to share them with loved ones, Thanks.

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