When you feel like you’re giving everything, but still not getting back what you need, it can be exhausting and heartbreaking. You don’t need to overextend yourself and burn out all your energy on someone who won’t appreciate it. Know what you deserve, know what it takes to build a healthy relationship with a partner, and demand that from yourself and them.

We’ve all been there. Burned out, exhausted, and just really tired of sacrificing everything and still yet gets nothing in return. When we’re at the bottom of a gaping pit of despair in search of answers to fix our burnout, we often end up forgetting what work/life balance actually feels like.

One can really get tired of giving his/her all when they are not getting back anything in return. If you want to be successful then you must be dedicated to what you do. If not, get real. If you are giving it your all, and yet you still feel as if something is missing, you’re going to need to find a new approach. The best tired of giving my all quotes awaits you below.

Keeping your head up and moving forward is the most important thing. And when you’re tired of giving everything to work the stress out off your shoulders, I think it’s time for a change. Just leave everything hindering you behind and march forward.

1. When I’m tired of giving my all, I just have to remind myself that it’s okay to rest.

2. I’m tired of giving my all. It’s time to stop chasing perfection and start living.

3. I just want to stop trying so hard. I’m tired of giving my all, but not getting anything in return.

4. It’s not just one thing, it’s the sum of all things. I’m tired of giving my all. I want more.

5. I am tired of giving my all. I want to stop giving, but I won’t keep on giving what was never mine in the first place.

6. I am tired of giving my all. I don’t know how much more I can take. The only thing holding me back from doing what I want is myself

7. I’m so tired of giving my all, but I’m not tired of the results.

8. Tired of giving my all to the world, but not getting enough back.

9. I feel so worn out. I’m tired of giving my all to work and to the people that I love, only to see them turn away.

10. I’m tired of giving my all. I want something to give back.

11. I am tired of giving my all and getting nothing back in return.

12. I’m tired of giving my all, but that’s a good thing. I have no idea what I’d do without sleep.

13. I want to give more than I get. I’m tired of giving my all and getting nothing in return. I want more.

14. I am tired of giving my all, so I have decided to spend some time alone.

15. I’m tired of giving my all to my job, family, friends and everything else. I need someone else to take the reins.

16. It’s exhausting being all in. I know how you feel, I’m tired of giving my all. So why don’t we take it easy for a while? We’re tired of pushing ourselves, with no reward at all.

17. It’s hard to give your all when you are tired of giving it all. I’m tired of giving my all. I’m going to take it from here.

18. I’m tired of giving my all. I’m tired of being honest. I’m tired of being an activist, but I’ll keep working for equality for the rest of my life.

19. Being tired of giving my all always feels like the end. I’m tired of giving my all and getting nothing in return.

20. I’m tired of giving my all to my job. I’m tired of sacrificing everything, only to have someone else walk away with the prize.

21. I’m tired of giving my all. I’m tired of being told that I shouldn’t give a damn and push myself forward.

22. I’m tired of feeling like a loser and what you say is so much better than what you feel. I’m tired of giving my all.

23. I’m not tired of giving my all, I’m tired of failing because I don’t give it all.

24. I’m tired of giving my all, but never getting the results I want. So I’m taking control of my life and starting to demand more from myself.

25. I’m tired of giving my all to the things that won’t truly make me happy.

26. I’m sick of giving my all, only to be disappointed and left with nothing more than regrets. And the worst part? It never gets easier.

27. I’m tired of giving my all. There comes a point in every person’s life when they must stop giving their all and start taking it.

28. I’m tired of giving my all. I just want to sit on my porch and watch the world go by.

29. I’m tired of giving my all. I want to spend less time caring about the things that really matter, and more time enjoying what I have now.

30. Being tired of giving my all doesn’t mean settling for less. It means finding a way to be present and joyous in the moment, even when I’m exhausted.

31. Being tired of giving my all to something makes me lose touch with who I am.

32. Being tired of giving my all is no big deal. At some point, we all have to stop giving our hundred per cent and take a break.

33. I’m tired of giving my all, I want to start getting something in return.

34. I’m tired of giving my all, but I know that it’s the only way to get what it is I really want. So for now I’ll continue to give my all, hoping that I will find a way to be more efficient in the future.

35. I’ve grown tired of giving my all to what feels like no one but myself. It’s time to stop and start investing in people, places and things I love.

36. I’m tired of giving my all. I want to be surrounded by people who love me, who appreciate me and treat me as if I were the only person in the world.

37. I’m tired of giving my all to things that don’t matter. I’m not going to do it anymore.

38. I’m tired of giving my all. I want to take a break from loving you and from myself. I want to get it right this time.

39. I’m tired of giving my all and not getting anything in return.

40. I may be tired of giving my all the next day, but truly I know there is nothing more important than living a life that’s authentic and true to your soul.

41. I’m tired of giving my all, but I’m not sure what to give; or even how to apply it.

42. So tired of giving my all to customers, but it’s a job I love. Keeps me coming back for more every day.

43. Tired of giving my all to excel, only to be told that it isn’t good enough. I guess you only get what you put in.

44. I’m tired of giving my all, only to suffer in silence. There’s a world of promise outside the walls of this prison I call life.

45. Being tired of giving my all is the best feeling when you realize your time has come.

46. I am so tired of giving my all. But I am ready to start living again. I’m exhausted from giving my all.

47. I’m tired of giving my all. I want to be more than the best version of myself that I can possibly be.

48. I’m tired of giving my all. All I ever get in return is just more things I have to give up when it’s all said and done.

49. It doesn’t get better, it just gets different. So I’m tired of giving my all, and working harder than I ever have before. It’s time to take a break.

50. There are times when I’m so tired of giving my all that I’m ready to give up. Be tired of giving your all to a relationship or job. Learn to expect less, then you can have more.

The same goes for being tired of giving my all. When I give my all, it’s because I’ve decided to do something that matters to me, it’s because I’ve taken on a project or task that I know will be fun or interesting, and it’s because I love the idea of being

It’s time for me to rise out of the ashes and stand on my own feet. We may fall again and again, but we must learn to get up and fight right back. We must try to be better people each day, growing through experiences. And if we can’t be a better person today than yesterday, at least don’t make things worse. Remember that life is a journey, it’s not supposed to be easy, and it’s supposed to be fun. Don’t forget that.

By admin

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