Telling someone they are avoiding you might be or not be a good idea depending on how you tell them. It can be hurtful and damaging to your relationship. It can also cause the other person to withdraw from you even more. It is a direct way to confront them. If you’re going to do this, it is best done in a private place and it should be done in a calm, non-accusing manner.

This is a very delicate situation. It’s important to tread lightly, especially if the person you’re telling is your partner or a family member. If you don’t know them well enough to say this directly, you should at least try to be subtle about it. First of all, it’s important to realize that people avoid each other for many different reasons. They may need some space after an argument or a stressful day, or maybe they just feel overwhelmed by your presence sometimes.

It’s also important not to take it personally if someone avoids you. If you have a close relationship with this person, then it’s perfectly normal for them not to want to be around you all the time. If they avoid you because they don’t like spending time with you, then there’s nothing wrong with that either — they just want different things than what you want from them in this relationship.

If you want to end the pattern of avoidance, then it’s important for both parties to be aware of what’s going on and why. You can’t just tell someone they’ve been avoiding you if they don’t know it because they will probably get defensive and deny it. You’ll need to approach them in a non-confrontational way so they can see how their behaviour affects you before they’ll change their ways.

Do you feel that someone has been avoiding you? You can use these you are avoiding me quotes below to express yourself.

You have been avoiding me for a long time now. I feel like you don’t want to talk to me anymore. It’s making me sad, and I’m not sure what to do about it. I just want us to be friends again but it seems like you don’t want that.

1. You are avoiding me. I am not sure what to do. I feel like I am losing you. You are too busy with your work and other things that you forget about me. I know that you love me, but I don’t know if it’s enough for us to be together again.

2. You have been doing this for a long time now, and it’s getting worse every day. You know how much this hurts me, but you don’t seem to care about it at all.

3. I can’t stand being treated like this anymore. You are avoiding me.

4. You are avoiding me. I know you’re just trying to protect yourself but don’t.

5. You are avoiding me. Don’t go anywhere. We can do this together.

6. You are avoiding me. Please don’t push me away. I need you in my life and I’m not going to let you go without a fight.

7. I’m not avoiding you. Why would I be avoiding you?

8. You are avoiding me because you’re mad at me.

9. You are avoiding me. I know what you’re thinking, and I’m not going to talk about it.

10. The last thing you said was that you wanted time to think, but it’s been over a month.

11. You’re avoiding me, so let’s just get it over with.

12. You are avoiding me, and I’m not going to beg for you to come back.

13. You are avoiding me. I am sorry for whatever I did. Please stop ignoring me.

14. You are avoiding me. I don’t know what I did, but please talk to me.

15. I’ve been trying to talk to you for days but you’re always busy. What’s wrong? You seem different lately. Are you avoiding me?

16. You are avoiding me. I can feel it. You’re not talking to me, and you don’t want to be around me. I miss you.

17. You are avoiding me. I wish we could just go back to the way things were before when we didn’t have any problems. But I know that’s impossible now. There’s too much distance between us and there’s nothing I can do to change that.

18. You are avoiding me. I know you’re busy and that’s okay. I just want you to know that I am here for you, whenever you need me.

19. There’s no need to be avoiding me; I’m not going anywhere. I’m always going to be here for you, no matter what happens between us.

20. You are avoiding me. This is not easy for either of us but we can do it together if we just talk about it.

21. I know that you are avoiding me. You look down and away when I talk to you. You don’t want to make eye contact. You pretend not to hear me. You act like I’m not even there or in the same room with you when I am talking to you.

22. You’re doing everything you can think of to avoid me and the truth that is tearing us apart right now, but it’s not going to work forever, because my mind is too powerful for that, my heart is too strong for that, and my love for you is too great for that!

23. I miss talking to you so much. You were such a good friend to me, and I hate that we can’t talk anymore. It just hurts so much that we aren’t friends anymore because of stupid things that happened between us in the past.

24. You are avoiding me. I just wish things could go back to how they were before but I don’t see that happening anytime soon because of how awkward this situation has become between us two.

25. You are avoiding me. I know you are.

26. I know you’re avoiding me because of what happened between us.

27. You are avoiding me but I don’t want to be your friend anymore. You could never be my friend again, not after what you did to me.

28. You are avoiding me. I can’t pretend like it doesn’t matter anymore.

29. You were my best friend, and I trusted you with everything in my life. You knew my secrets, my fears, and my dreams – and you betrayed me in the cruellest way imaginable. Now, I am avoiding you forever.

30. You took everything from me, and now I’m left with nothing but pain and regret.

31. You are avoiding me. You are not answering my texts, calls, or emails.

32. You are ignoring me, and it’s killing me inside. I can’t tell where I stand with you anymore. I don’t know if we’re friends or lovers if we’re together or apart or if you even care about me anymore.

33. I know you’re avoiding me. This is hurting you as much as it is me. I’m not going to give up on us.

34. You are avoiding me, but I’m not going to avoid you. If you want to talk about what happened, then we can talk about it. If you don’t want to talk about it then we won’t have to talk about it. But I don’t think it’s fair for you to avoid me indefinitely just because of one thing that went wrong.

35. I’m sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable in any way, but you need to know that there is nothing wrong with us hanging out together and talking or whatever else people do when they’re friends.

36. You are avoiding me. I don’t want our friendship to end because of something stupid like this.

37. You are avoiding me, and I can’t figure out why.

38. You are avoiding me. I’m not stupid, so don’t treat me like one.

39. You are avoiding me. I’m not going to play these games. I know what you’re doing, and it’s not working on me.

40. You are avoiding me. I’m tired of feeling like my feelings don’t matter.

41. You are avoiding me. You are pretending like I don’t exist.

42. You are avoiding me. You don’t love me as much as I love you

43. You are avoiding me. You don’t want to spend time with me.

44. I know you’re avoiding me. I’m not going to let you avoid me.

45. You know what? I’m tired of you avoiding me.

46. You are avoiding me. You’re not answering my calls, and you keep telling me that you’ve got things to do, but I know that’s a lie.

47. I want to know what happened between us. But you never want to talk about it. You never want to tell me why we broke up, even though I know there’s a reason.

48. You are avoiding me. It’s because of me, isn’t it? It’s because I wasn’t good enough for you in some way?

49. You are avoiding me, and I don’t understand what went wrong. We were so happy together before we got together, but then everything changed after that first date and now we can’t go back to how things were before.

50. You are avoiding me by not replying to my text. I know you are busy but I just want to be in touch with you.

51. I know you are busy but I just want to be in touch with you. I just want to know that we’re friends, nothing more. Please don’t avoid me or ignore me, because it hurts so much when you do that.

52. You are avoiding me. I am not sure what I did to make you mad at me.

53. You are avoiding me, but I don’t know why. You don’t have to talk to me, but please stop acting like we don’t exist.

54. If you’re avoiding me, I need to know. You broke my heart, and I’m still here for you.

55. You are avoiding me. I know you are. I can feel it.

56. You’ve been acting weird toward me lately, and I don’t know why.

57. I think you are avoiding me. It’s been a couple of weeks now, and I’ve been trying to figure out what’s going on with us.

58. I’m not sure if we’re still together or not, but either way, I want to know what’s up with you so that I can fix it if need be.

59. You are avoiding me, but I can’t avoid you. I am not good at being alone, but neither am I good at being with you. You make me feel worthless and empty.

60. You are avoiding me. I want to be happy but all I can see is darkness and emptiness.

61. I’m sorry for everything I’ve done, and everything I will do in the future. Please stop avoiding me.

62. You are avoiding me. You are making me feel alone. You are making me feel like I don’t matter to you. You are being selfish and inconsiderate.

63. You are avoiding me. You have no idea how much this hurts me.

64. I’m not going to lie, when you started avoiding me, it hurt.

65. You can’t be happy if you’re not with me, and I can’t be happy if you’re not by my side. Stop avoiding me, and let’s get back together.

66. You are avoiding me, and I know you are. I can tell by the way you look at me. It’s not like I don’t get it.

67. I want you to know that I’m sorry if this hurts you in any way, but things are happening in my life right now that are beyond my control and my control alone.

68. You are avoiding me. I know that you are keeping your distance from me, because of what I did.

69. Yes, I understand that you are angry with me for the way I handled things, but you can’t stay away forever.

70. You can’t avoid me forever. I know that you do not want to see me, so I will make it easy for you.

71. I will stay away from you and you can continue with your life without having to deal with me in any way.

72. You are avoiding me. I will not call or email or text or even talk about anything important to both of us. If I do try to contact you at all, please just ignore me completely and pretend like I don’t exist.

73. You’re avoiding me. You know you are. It’s okay if you don’t want to talk about what happened in the past; I get that. But there are other things we could talk about.

74. This avoidance is only going to hurt us both in the long run, though.

75. You are avoiding me. I’m not going away until we have this out.

76. I don’t know if you’ve been avoiding me or not. I’m currently in a place of confusion and pain, and I’m not sure if it’s because you aren’t with me anymore or because of something else.

77. I feel like you’re avoiding me, but maybe it’s just my imagination. Either way, I’d like to talk to you about it.

78. I know you are avoiding me. I can feel it. I can hear it in your voice when you call, see it in the way you look at me, and sense it in your body language.

79. You have been avoiding me for weeks now, months even. My heart aches for you and our relationship. You have always been there for me, but now that I need you most, you’re gone.

80. You are avoiding me. I know we had a fight or something happened between us that has made things difficult between us, but I want to make things right again.

81. You are avoiding me and that hurts more than anything else you could do to me.

82. I wish you would talk to me, but I know what you have done to hurt me in the past.

83. I don’t know why you won’t talk to me, but I think it’s because of how much pain you caused when we were together before.

84. You are avoiding me. You’re not talking to me. You’re not even looking at me.

85. You are avoiding me. The fact that you don’t want to talk to me makes me feel like I did something wrong, but the truth is that it was all your fault. and it has nothing to do with me.

86. I don’t know what you did or what happened but I know for sure that it was not my fault or my mistake because I would never do anything like that on purpose.

87. I thought we were friends. You’re avoiding me, and it’s not fair.

88. You are avoiding me. I don’t know what to say or do. I’m trying to be patient.

89. I don’t want to look like a fool, but I can’t help myself. It’s hard to resist your charms when you’re avoiding me like this!

90. I want to talk to you, but I can’t when you’re avoiding me like this. Don’t avoid me.

91. I know you are avoiding me, and I want you to stop. You aren’t going to be able to avoid me forever, so why even try?

92. The truth is that I don’t care if you want to avoid me or not, but I do care about how it makes me feel. I feel like you don’t want to be around me, which hurts my feelings.

93. You are avoiding me. You avoid eye contact, you walk past me, and now you’re ignoring my texts. You have never done this before and it’s making me feel like you don’t want to be around me anymore.

94. It feels like we are fighting, but I don’t know what it is about. I can’t imagine what has happened that would make you want to leave me behind so suddenly.

95. I’m not sure if I am imagining things or if this is real, but it seems like something has changed between us, and there is no going back from here.

96. You are avoiding me. I wish that I could fix this because I don’t want to lose you as a friend or worse yet, lose my best friend forever over something so stupid!

97. You are avoiding me. You are in my life, but you are not with me. I’m trying to understand what you’re doing, but I don’t get it.

98. I know that it’s hard for you to talk about this, but I want us to be honest with each other.

99. It’s okay for us to disagree; we can still love each other, and be friends.

100. You are avoiding me but I’m not going anywhere; I will always be here for you, no matter what happens between us.

I hope you find the collection of you are avoiding me quotes I have here interesting and helpful. Please feel free to leave your comments and endeavour to share them with your family and friends.

Thank you.

By admin

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