Games are basically what people engage in for fun, and they can also be a series of manipulative schemes. It’s true. Playing games and trying to manipulate someone is never a good idea. That person may think that they are being clever or funny, but in reality, it can be hurtful. Playing games might seem harmless at first. But if they do it too much, it can cause problems in their relationships.

Also, when they play games, it also means that they are hiding something from the person they are playing them with. They might be doing this because they know that the other person will not like what they find out about you or your life if they find out something else. This can be very hurtful.

You could also be telling someone not to play games may be as a result of one thing or the other. So if you’ve someone you have accused of playing games, you can use these don’t play games quotes to warn them. They simply warn the game players and probably keep them from even thinking about playing games. Send them to those game players you have around you.

Don’t play games with someone’s feelings. It can hurt them. If you have to, at least be honest and tell them the truth: why you’re doing it and how they feel when they play a game of yours. If you’re not sure about what to do, just be honest. Stop wasting time and openheartedness on lies and games.

1. Don’t play games. Don’t play me. I saw an opportunity and took it. That’s all there is to it.

2. Don’t play games, especially with your mind. They’ll only make you unhappy; you know what they’re called? They’re called lies.

3. Don’t play games with a girl because they can lead to serious consequences. Don’t hurt someone that you love. I’m sure you would do the same.

4. Don’t play games with your heart. Don’t act like you care, then get a surprise when you don’t show up.

5. Don’t play games with me. Be honest and leave the drama out of it. My heart is not a toy.

6. If you are guilty of cheating, don’t play games with your emotions. Don’t lie to yourself and cheat yourself in the process.

7. When you play games with a man, you lose. When you make love to a man, you win.

8. Don’t play games with someone’s heart. There’s no winning in that, only losing.

9. Don’t play games with me. Pick up your phone and call me. Don’t wait until I’m gone to text me. Don’t just stand there. Make the first move. Let’s have some fun.

10. Don’t play games with someone who can see right through you.

11. Don’t play games now because of your health. It’s the doctor’s advice.

12. Don’t play games with your heart. Feelings aren’t just feelings: they can be signs from the natural world — or from other people. The sooner you recognize these signs, the sooner you can deal with them in a way that will help you grow rather than hurt you.

13. Don’t play games with your money. Do the right thing and invest wisely.

14. I will advise you not to play games because you might lose because you have not fully recovered.

15. Don’t play games with your health. Take care of yourself and make healthy choices. Be proactive and take control of your wellness today.

16. Don’t play games, no matter how tempting it is. And don’t fall for the person who does.

17. Don’t play games. Do you know what I’m saying? Don’t play games with me at all.

18. Don’t play games now at least until we are done making dinner for us all.

19. Don’t play games with me. I know what I want, and I’m not afraid to get it.

20. I’m not good with games. I don’t like playing them, and I never will.

21. I don’t play games. It’s time to end the game of fantasy and start playing for keeps.

22. You’re just an easy target, so play your cards right and don’t let me be the one to make your mistakes.

23. Don’t play games with me. Don’t play games with my feelings, not if you want to keep your heart.

24. Don’t play games. Don’t mess around with someone’s heart. Don’t let anyone else treat you like you’re nothing because you are something.

25. Don’t play games. Do what you came here to do, and then let it go.

26. Don’t play games with me. You either tell me what you really want to do, or we can try something else.

27. Don’t play games with your happiness because you never know what could happen.

28. Don’t play games. If you’re on a date with someone, don’t be afraid to enjoy their company. Be honest and open—you never know who they might become.

29. Don’t play games with me. The rules are simple: You either tell me the truth, or you don’t share anything.

30. Don’t play games. You know what it is, you know what it does, and you need to do something about it!

31. Don’t play games. That’s a good rule to keep in mind when you’re dealing with people and situations in your life.

32. Play by the rules. That’s a good rule to keep in mind when you’re dealing with people and situations in your life.

33. Don’t play games. Life is too short. Be honest. Be upfront. Be real. And always follow through on your word.

34. Don’t play games. The stakes are high, and the rules are serious.

35. Play hardball. Don’t play around with important issues in your life.

36. Dealing with other people is something that can easily turn into a game of sorts. People will use certain tactics to get what they want from you or make it so that you can’t get what you want from them.

37. Do your research and know what you’re doing before you make a move.

38. Don’t play games. Work hard, treat people the way you want to be treated and take risks. Those are all good ways to come out on top.

39. Don’t play games. Be the change you want to see—in the world and in your life.

40. Don’t play games with your health. It’s not worth it.

41. Don’t play games with the future of your business.

42. Don’t play games with other people’s emotions. Don’t be afraid to show your emotions or vulnerability, and then learn how to respond to others showing theirs.

43. Don’t play games with stress. Playing a game with your stress will only lead to more frustration and decreased productivity. Stress is not part of the life you want to live.

44. Not everything is about the action. Sometimes it’s about the reaction. Stay focused on your goals and don’t forget to take a break along the way, but never forget why you started in the first place because that’s what keeps you motivated to keep going.

45. Don’t play games with your life. Take it seriously, love it and live it to the fullest.

46. Don’t play games with your time, energy and money. They are precious.

47. Don’t play games. Work hard, get out of your comfort zone, and eventually, you will find success.

48. Hard work pays off. If you are willing to be determined, work hard and get out of your comfort zone, then you will find success.

49. Persistence and hard work are the keys to success. Don’t be afraid to get out of your comfort zone and try a new activity. If people tell you that you can’t do something, ignore them. Always work hard.

50. Play the numbers game – it only takes two connections to find a job. Put your heart into each application and follow up religiously until you get an offer.

51. Life is not easy. In fact, most people often find that it takes a lot of time and effort, but we all have a choice to make the most of what we have.

52. Don’t play games with people’s emotions. Be honest and genuine, and you’ll do just fine.

53. Don’t play games with your health. Only you have the power to decide how well you do.

54. Play hard, work hard and have fun. Never be afraid to get a little messy.

55. Remember, life is not a race. It’s a game of strategy and planning. Let your dreams be the prizes you win.

56. Life is about the journey, not the destination. The destination may change, but you will always be on your journey.

57. Don’t play games. Life is too short for them, and you’ll lose anyway.

58. Don’t play games with family and friends. It’s best to be clear, honest and straightforward in all of your relationships.

59. Don’t play games, and let us build the next level in your career.

60. Don’t play games with your business, don’t let the competition beat you to it. Be fast and be the best!

61. Don’t play games for your safety. Life is already too short to risk it for fleeting pleasures of the flesh.

62. The truth of it is that no matter what anyone tells you, don’t play games. Stay true to who you are, and don’t let anyone get in the way of reaching your goals.

63. Don’t play games with yourself & your health. Start each day off on the right foot and get moving!

64. Don’t play games with your health. There is no easy way to get in shape, and there is only the hard way or not at all.

65. Don’t play games with your health. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it.

66. Always play the game on your terms and not someone else’s. The game is always changing. That’s the challenge of the industry.

67. Don’t play games with your business. Keep it real, nice and simple.

68. Don’t play games with the one you love. Love is a game of risk and reward. One you never want to lose.

69. Don’t play games. Life is too short, and your time is precious. Go out and live it to the fullest!

70. Don’t play games. Be real with yourself, who you are, and what you do.

71. Don’t play games. You don’t have to be perfect, but you can’t let mistakes linger. Don’t waste time putting things off.

72. Don’t play games with your confidence. You only have one life, so make it mean something.

73. Don’t play games. Don’t be afraid to take risks, don’t play it safe, and break out of your comfort zone. Take chances!

74. Don’t play games with your health. They will catch up with you, and it won’t be funny.

75. Developing trust takes time, but it’s worth the effort. Be yourself, and don’t play games.

76. Don’t play games. Don’t waste time on unimportant things. Instead, focus on what is important right now because this moment is all you ever have.

77. Don’t play games. Don’t waste time on the unimportant. Thrive in the moment by doing the important and making it your best.

78. It’s time to stop delaying gratification. Focus on what’s important because life is too short to waste on insignificant things.

79. Life is too short to waste time looking back. Make the most of every moment, and don’t be afraid to take risks.

80. Don’t wait for the right moment t make it. Don’t procrastinate and waste time. Instead, make your days memorable by using them wisely.

81. Do not procrastinate when it comes to the major areas of your life. Take your business, for example. It will take years and cost a lot of investment if you want to get it to go the distance.

82. Don’t play games with your health. Take it seriously and know that having a healthy lifestyle is important to you.

83. Don’t play games. Nobody wins when you do.

84. Don’t play games. Don’t waste time trying to make a difference or trying to be someone you’re not. You only have one life, and it’s full of opportunities—don’t waste it playing games.

85. Always be aware of the consequences of your actions, and don’t play games with other people’s lives.

86. Don’t play games with the people you care about.

87. Don’t play games. The only winning move is not to play one.

88. Don’t play games. It’s not worth it if you lose, but it’s a big deal if you win.

89. Don’t play games. The rules are simple, find out who you are and what you’re made of, stay true to that and don’t let anything stop you from achieving your goals.

90. Don’t play games. Don’t waste your time with people who are only out to win and then drop you like a hot potato when they lose.

91. Don’t play games with your career. Being successful isn’t something you can just take from other people. It’s a long process that involves hard work, dedication, and commitment. Make sure you’re in it for the long haul by taking action now.

92. Don’t play games with your health. Exercise & fitness is not a game. It’s your life.

93. Playing games is for losers. Stand for something, or fall for nothing.

94. Don’t let your personal life get in the way of your business. That’s a waste of time.

95. Don’t play games. Be yourself, be honest, and try to get the most out of your life and all the people around you.

96. Don’t play games with your life. Be what you want to be and do what you want to do.

97. Don’t play games with customers. Tell them the truth and be honest about your product or service.

98. Don’t play games with your health. They can be tricky, so why not take the time to learn?

99. Don’t play games with your progress. Keep on pushing, keep on growing and make sure to live in the moment!

100. Don’t play games. Don’t play games with your health because you never know what’s waiting around the corner. Watch what you eat, watch how much you weigh and don’t take chances with your body.

101. Don’t play games with your wins. Never tell yourself that you’re going to get back at someone for a mistake or injury you’ve suffered. In the long run, it will cost you more than it gains.

102. Don’t play games with your health. Do the right things that will make you feel good, like eating right and exercising. Health is the greatest wealth.

103. Don’t play games with your health: Find a provider who understands you and will treat your life like a priority.

104. Don’t play games with your goals. Move towards them, and you will be better off in the long term.

105. Let’s face it. We are all a little bit crazy. There’s something wrong with us, but that doesn’t mean we should let the insanity of life get us down!

106. Don’t play games. Don’t be afraid to be yourself. And don’t let anyone take advantage of you.

107. Don’t play games. Stick to your guns, and don’t let anyone tell you what to do.

108. Don’t play games. You can’t win. Your honesty will always make you vulnerable, but it is the only currency that matters.

109. Don’t play games with life. Live it up while you can and enjoy every moment.

110. Don’t play games with someone’s heart – you might not like the outcome.

111. Someone playing games can be hurtful. The person plays the role of a victim, while you are the bad guy who is accused of all sorts of intentions.

112. Don’t play games with your money. Don’t let the people around you play games with your emotions, and don’t be afraid to say no. You are worth it.

113. Don’t play games with your future.

114. Don’t play games with yourself. You are the only one who can define success.

115. I was hurt, and I felt like she just wanted to play things safe. In the end, I just decided that it wasn’t worth it and decided not to play the games anymore.

116. Don’t play games, be real. If you need time, just ask. Don’t play mind games and have other people guess what you are thinking. Be honest with yourself and others, and even if it isn’t always what everyone wants to hear, just speak the truth.

117. Playing games with someone can be hurtful, but so is being mistreated by someone you love. Don’t play games.

118. Don’t play games. I don’t want to be lied to and misled just because you don’t want to be honest with me.

119. Don’t play games with someone’s feelings. It can hurt them. If you have to, at least be honest and tell them the truth: why you’re doing it and how they feel when they play a game of yours.

120. Don’t play games with someone. It can hurt them, and it will show imbalances in your relationship. If you’re not sure about what to do, just be honest. Stop wasting time and openheartedness on lies and games.

I hope you enjoyed these don’t play games quotes because they are stern warnings to those who like playing games, and I am sure you got the one that speaks your mind. Please feel free to leave your comment on any of the quotes below.

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