Perceived Effects of Disintermediation in Palm Oil Distribution in Rivers and Bayelsa States.


The study was carried out to determine the Government (Management), Employees, Producers and Consumers perceived  effects of  disintermediation  in palm oil distribution in Rivers and Bayelsa States.

Four research questions were developed and answered by the study while four null hypotheses were formulated and tested at P ≤ 0.05 level of significance and 276 degree of freedom (df).

The study was carried out in Rivers and Bayelsa States. It made use of survey research design. The population of the study was  1,393; made  up of 21 management (government) staff, 125 employees, 1127 producers and 120 consumers respectively.

The sample on the other hand was  278  which was also made up of 12 management (government) staff, 23 employees, 221 producers and 22 consumers  respectively.

Proportionate  sampling  technique of twenty percent (20%) was used to draw the sample from the population. A structured questionnaire was used to obtain data from the respondents for the study.

The questionnaire was validated by three experts from Business Education unit of the Department of  Vocational  Teacher Education, University of Nigeria, Nsukka.

Cronbach’s alpha method was  used to determine the reliability coefficient in which a coefficient of 0.93 was obtained.

The questionnaire was administered by the researcher with the help of  two  research assistants across the two States.

The entire 278 copies of the questionnaire administered were retrieved representing 100% retrieval of the questionnaire.

The data collected were analysed using mean and standard deviation to answer the research questions while t-test statistics was used for testing the null hypotheses (Ho) at P ≤ 0.05 level of  significance  and  276 degree of freedom (df).

Table Of Contents

Title Page            –        –    i

Approval Page      –        –    ii

Certification        –        –      iii

Dedication  –       –        –   iv

Acknowledgements        –           v

Table of Contents –       –        –      vi

List of Table-       –        –            ix

List of Figures     –        –           x

Abstract     –        –        –           xi


Background of the Study         1

Statement of the Problem       –       6

Purpose of the Study     –        –  7

Significance of the Study       –     8

Research Question        –           9

Hypotheses –        –        -10

Delimitation of the Study       –       10


Conceptual Framework  –       –   11

Review of Related Empirical Studies –      57

Summary of Literature Review –      –    61


Research Design  –       –        –     64

Area of the Study –       –        –       64

Population for the Study-       –        65

Sample for the Study    –        –        –  65

Instrument for Data Collection-       –    66

Validation of the Instrument  –        –      66

Reliability of the Instrument  –        –      67

Method of Data Collection      –        –     67

Method of Data Analysis-       –        –  68


Research Question 1     –        –            69

Research Question 2     –        –           72

Research Question 3     –        –        76

Research Question 4     –        –          79

Hypotheses Testing       –        –   83

Findings of the Study    –        –        86

Findings on Hypotheses –       –      89

Discussion of Findings- –       –      90

Discussion of Findings on Hypotheses      –       94


Restatement of the Problem   –        –        –        –        –        97

Purpose of the Study     –        –        –        –        –        –        99

Summary of the Procedure used for  the Study   –        –        99

Major Findings of the Study   –        –        –        –        –        100

Implications of the  Findings for Business Education  –        102

Conclusion           –        –        –        –        –        –        –        103

Recommendations         –        –        –        –        –        –        103

Limitations of the Study –       –        –        –        –        –        104

Suggestions for Further Study –       –        –        –        –        105

REFERENCES     –        –   106


Background Of Study

A motivated person whether male or female is always ready to act. How the motivated person actually acts is influenced by his or her view or perception of the situation.

Kotler and Keller (2007) defined perception or how one perceives a thing as the process by which an individual selects, organizes, and interprets information inputs to create a meaningful picture of the world.

Different people have different ways they perceive and interpret the effect (result produced) of a particular phenomenon. One of these Areas is that of agricultural produce distribution.

Agriculture is the largest sector of the Nigerian economy. It is the first line of defence for any nation as it ensures food security and provides employment and raw materials for industries.

In Nigeria, agriculture accounts for 88% of the non-oil foreign exchange earnings and employs about 70% of the active labour force of the population.

The sector provides most of the stable foods consumed by Nigerians, the population of which has been put about 140 million (Dada, 2003). The produce of agriculture is distributed by the intermediaries.

The intermediaries also called middlemen in the channel of distribution has been in charge of the distribution of product for centuries which now makes them pillars that cannot be surmounted.

The global market faces a complex problem in designing globally coordinated channels through which to market their products.


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Adirika, E. O., Ebue, B. C., & Nnolim, D. A. (2001). Principles and Practice of Marketing One. Enugu: John Jacob’s Classic Publishers Ltd.

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Businessdictionary (2010) Perception. Retrieved on the 2nd August, 2010 from

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