Do you often hear these”Idon’t bother” statements?” I just don’t bother doing that. I think it’s irrelevant”.” I shouldn’t even bother saying this”. These are all instances of the phrase “I don’t bother.” I don’t bother is a colloquialism denoting an assertion that you have no desire, determination or ambition to carry out an activity.

You might say I don’t bother you when you’re talking about something that doesn’t matter to you. Instead of saying I just don’t care, you can say, “I don’t bother.” By saying I don’t bother, you just choose not to care or bother your head over anything.

So check out these expressive I don’t bother quotes for different expressions and make your pick.

I don’t bother with people who don’t bother to care for me. Focusing on what’s important to me and leaving room to pursue my own passions is a key component of my time management skills. I don’t have time to worry about others’ priorities.

1. I don’t bother my friends for anything and it doesn’t bother them that I don’t say anything.

2. I don’t bother with small talk or pleasantries. I’m not really interested in what you had for lunch or how your day was. If there’s something important that you need to tell me, say it straight up. If not, just move on.

3. If it’s not worth doing, it’s not worth doing well! I’m going to stop wasting my time on things that aren’t worth my time and focus on the things that are important to me and my life goals.

4. I don’t bother with other people’s arguments. I just do my thing and ignore those arguments.

5. I don’t bother with the phonies at parties or the shallow conversation at family gatherings – they aren’t worth my time anyways. Whether it be my college roommates or the people in my town that try to force me into roles I do not desire, I’ve come to realise that you can’t help those who won’t help themselves.

6. I don’t bother. I don’t have time. I find it pointless to argue with her anymore. I need to be more assertive, but arguing with her gets nowhere, so I just don’t bother.

7. I don’t bother to do things that do not add much value to any area of my life.

8. I don’t bother is a great way to tell someone in a non-offensive way but clear enough for them to know you mean business about it. While you may have good intentions, some people will take advantage of them. I shouldn’t be reserved when somebody really is trying to bother or upset me.

9. I don’t bother because I’m happy and grateful, and my life doesn’t have much to do with anyone else’s.

10. I don’t bother to fix something that ain’t broken.

11. I don’t bother myself with things I can’t control.

12. It is my choice not to let anything bother me, but it is also my choice to be bothered by something that can bother me.

13. I don’t bother with people who are still trying to be something they’re not.

14. I don’t bother with makeup because I’m too lazy to apply it.

15. I don’t bother with makeup because it’s not worth the effort.

16. I don’t bother with makeup because it takes too much time in the morning and evening, and it’s just not worth it for me.

17. I don’t bother with makeup because even when I do get around to applying it, it’s usually smudged within an hour of leaving the house anyway!

18. I don’t bother with makeup because my skin is too sensitive for any sort of foundation or tinted cream, so all that money just goes down the drain anyway.

19. I don’t bother because it’s not worth it.

20. I don’t bother because I am moving in a direction that will help me to be less bothered by what other people think, say or do.

21. I don’t bother about the future because I am living in the present, and I am looking forward to a bright future.

22. I don’t bother because it’s a waste of time. I’m too busy, and there are more important things to do.

23. I don’t bother because I have better things to do than that.

24. I don’t bother because it doesn’t matter to me what others think about me or my actions.

25. I don’t bother because life is too short to stress over things that won’t make any difference in the long run.

26. I don’t bother anymore because I have got to face better things ahead.

27. I don’t bother with people who are not bothered by me.

28. I don’t bother with people who have nothing to offer me.

29. I don’t bother with people who think they’re too good for me.

30. I don’t bother with people who think I’m too good for them.

31. I don’t bother. I’m not going to waste my time trying to please everyone because you’re never going to be able to.

32. I don’t bother because it’s pointless. I can’t change the way other people are, and I don’t have time for them anyway.

33. I don’t bother because there’s no point in doing something that doesn’t produce results. If it doesn’t work, move on, and try something new.

34. I don’t bother because there’s only so much time in the day, and if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.

35. I don’t bother because there’s too much on my plate as it is! I just don’t have time for these petty talks anymore.

36. I don’t bother with people and things who aren’t worth my time. I just don’t bother.

37. I don’t bother with things that don’t matter because I do not want to waste my time.

38. I don’t bother because I will always be there for you even when I am miles away from you and my love is not for sale, and no one can steal my heart away from you.

39. I don’t bother because I am self-sufficient and independent, and your hurt is not worth remembering.

40. I don’t bother, I think. I create. The rest will follow.

41. I don’t bother because it’s not worth my time or effort.

42. I don’t bother because it is easier to feel sorry for myself than to make positive changes in my life.

43. I don’t bother with things like making plans; I just do them.

44. I don’t bother with things like building relationships; I just have them. And when the going gets tough, I know who to turn to. Myself.

45. I don’t bother to worry about anything except what I can do.

46. I don’t bother to complain. Life’s too short, and there are plenty of fish in the sea.

47. I don’t bother with happiness because I just assume it will happen, like a sunflower in the middle of winter.

48. You only live once. Why spend all your time doing things that don’t matter? Life is too short. Don’t bother.

49. I don’t bother with things I can’t change because even if I could, it wouldn’t make any difference.

50. I don’t bother with the people who make a big deal out of nothing. I just wish that they would find something important to do.

51. I don’t bother about what people think about me. I am just doing my best. That is all that matters.

52. I don’t bother about the future, for I have lived for today.

53. I don’t bother to argue with people who do not understand the value of simple things.

54. Sometimes, I just don’t bother talking about things that are important to me.

55. You don’t have to try so hard to make something of your life. Be happy. Life is short, and you’re here now. Enjoy it!

56. I don’t bother with people who don’t have time for me.

57. I don’t bother with the world. It bothers me.

58. I don’t bother with the things that lose their meaning. I just stop and start again.

59. I don’t bother with things I cannot change. I only improve myself.

60. I don’t bother to look back. It’s so easy to find someone new. I’d rather look ahead and live life one day at a time because every single day is filled with possibility.

61. I don’t bother about what other people think of me. I am myself, and I have nothing to be ashamed of.

62. I don’t bother with the how. Just keep moving forward.

63. Don’t let anyone make you feel small because everyone has a unique story, and your life is what it is because of who you are, not in spite of it. Plus, I don’t bother swearing anymore.

64. Don’t bother with anything that does not take your full attention.

65. I don’t bother to put on my makeup. I am just my natural self.

66. I don’t bother with the things that I have no time for. And that’s the way it should be.

67. I don’t bother with things that are out of my control.

68. I don’t bother because I know everything always turns out the way it’s supposed to.

69. I don’t bother with the nonsense. I just work.

70. I don’t bother with any of those things because I’m in the moment, focused on what’s important.

71. I don’t bother to argue with people when my work is good enough.

72. I don’t bother to deny myself the simple pleasure of being kind because I know that it will be returned to me threefolds.

73. I don’t bother changing my plans. I just make them better.

74. I don’t care what you have to say. I’m done listening. I’ve heard it all before.

75. I don’t bother with the small things. I enjoy the big things.

76. I don’t bother myself with things I can’t change, and I don’t bother others with things they should deal with themselves.

77. Don’t bother. Just be interesting, interesting enough to be worthy of someone’s time.

78. The great thing about being a woman is that we don’t have to deal with the scrutiny of worrying if we look good. We can just be ourselves and let the world catch up.

79. I don’t worry about what people say about me. Worry about how they react to you when you’re gone.

80. Life is too short to waste time on things that don’t matter.

81. You can’t always control the world. Sometimes you just have to sit back and let it pass you by. Don’t bother.

82. I don’t bother with anything that doesn’t inspire me. I don’t bother with things that are second-rate. I don’t bother with things that take too much time. I don’t bother with people who criticise me, praise me, or flatter me—I’m not interested, and I don’t care.

83. I don’t bother with perfection. I try to be good enough.

84. I don’t bother with superficial things. I don’t worry about what’s fashionable. I just wear whatever feels good to me at the time. And that’s enough for me.

85. I don’t bother with the things that I could change. I focus on the things that I can, and those are the important things in life.

86. I don’t bother with things that can be replaced by others. I’d rather do things myself.

87. I don’t bother with what people think. I only do what I believe to be right.

88. I don’t bother with politics. I just work.

89. I don’t bother to argue with people who do not know what they are talking about.

90. I don’t worry about things that can’t go wrong. Worrying is like paying a fine for something you didn’t do.

91. I don’t care about your opinion. I don’t care about your life. I only want to know what’s best for me.

92. I don’t bother to argue with people who are wrong.

93. I don’t bother. It’s too much trouble to be bothered by things I can’t change.

94. I do not bother with people who are more concerned with what others think than themselves.

95. I don’t bother. I don’t need it, I can’t afford it, and I don’t like it. But you know what? It’s still there.

96. I don’t bother with the things that I can’t change. So why bother with the things that I can?

97. I don’t bother with my hair. I just let it be. It’s always been that way, and it always will be.

98. What I don’t bother with is less important than how I go about doing it.

99. I don’t bother to argue over things that are of no importance.

100. I don’t bother with the details; I try to keep it simple. A great frame of mind is better than a complex strategy.

101. Living my life in a way that doesn’t bother anyone is the best way to be happy.

102. I don’t bother with anything that won’t make me feel good.

103. I don’t bother with what others think of me. I just do my best and have fun with it.

104. I don’t bother about things. I just do them.

105. I didn’t bother with yesterday. I am only afraid of tomorrow. So, all the same, don’t bother with today because it is yours and your future.

106. I don’t bother to hate people; it saves me the trouble of being their enemy.

107. I don’t bother to argue with people who cannot think and reason, and when they are consumed by an obsession with a point of view that is contrary to reality, I ignore them.

108. I don’t bother saying that I don’t care because you would probably be fooled into thinking I actually do.

109. I don’t have time to hate people. I have time to be more positive and spread more love around.

110. I don’t bother to explain my methods because they are simple. I simply do the job, at a moment’s notice, in any weather.

111. I don’t bother with haters. They just make me stronger.

112. Life is too short to be anything but happy. I don’t bother.

113. I don’t bother studying. I just do what my friends are doing, and if it works out, I get a pat on the back from everyone.

114. I don’t bother to fix the broken wings of a bird. They may never fly anyway.

115. I don’t bother with anything that doesn’t interest me.

116. When you’re busy and tired, I don’t bother you.

117. I don’t bother with things that do not concern me, so why should I bother with things that do?

118. I don’t bother going to the beach. I just sit in my living room and wait for the tide to come back up.

119. I don’t bother trying to figure out what people really want from me. I just go on doing what I feel is best for me, even if, at times, it might not be what everyone else would like or expect.

120. I never waste my time worrying about things I can’t change. I don’t bother with regrets. The only one who suffers is me.

121. I stopped caring about what people think when I stopped trying to impress them.

122. Find your own path, and don’t bother about what others think.

123. Don’t worry about the past. It’s done. There is no use crying over spilt milk. There are far better things to do with your time. You see it, and then you do it.

124. Life is too short to waste time on things you don’t want, so I don’t bother with wasting time with such time wasters.

125. I don’t bother with the people I don’t want to change.

126. I don’t bother with things that bore me.

127. I don’t bother to be concerned about what people think of me. I am concerned with the kind of person I am.

128. I don’t bother myself with things I don’t need to worry about.

129. I don’t bother with the future. It comes soon enough.

130. I don’t bother to look back on what I’ve been through; a lot of it was pretty sordid.

131. I don’t bother because it’s not worth the effort to fight it any longer.

132. I don’t have the energy left to try anymore, so I don’t bother.

Welcome to the end of this long list of I don’t bother quotes. You enjoyed yourself, right? Kindly share and leave your comments below in the box for comments provided below.

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