A phone call is one of the easiest ways to keep in touch with family and friends. It shows that you take interest in the person, even if it’s just a quick hello or to know how one is doing. But sometimes life gets in the way and you have so much on your mind, you become overwhelmed with the things on your to-do list and don’t even realize how busy you are until this happens.

We cannot be everything to everyone all the time, it will only lead to exhaustion and frustration if we try because every minute counts especially in our busy world today and, keeping your priorities in mind is an important part of maintaining a stress-free life. It is good to take a moment and relax even if it means refusing to receive or make calls in order to provide your body with the energy it needs to function properly.

There are times when we are just too busy to call someone. The person wants your time, attention and guidance so it can be difficult to tell them why you cannot make a call session. Sometimes, you’re flat out of excuses; so, use these too busy to call quotes whenever you are in need of some.

When I get too busy, my life becomes a blur of tasks, obligations and appointments. I find it difficult to call because so many other things have to be done in the limited available time and I feel overwhelmed by them all.

1. I am too busy to call. I don’t want to waste your time by calling you and not being able to chat as long as you would want because I might get interrupted.

2. I am too busy to call because I work all day, but I am always willing to lend a hand if you need it.

3. When you have something to discuss with someone and are too busy to call, send a text or an email. This will also give the person room to think before responding.

4. I wish I can find the time to call so we can discuss this, but I’m just too busy.

5. It might seem you were too busy to call anyone, but then later when you look back on your day, you will discover you had plenty of time for things that weren’t really important.

6. I am too busy to call right now. I need more time to get my work done, spend time with my family and even just relax. It’s not easy balancing it all.

7. If you’re too busy to call me, it’s okay. I understand you have better things to do than spend time with me.

8. I am too busy to call because my free time is limited. I don’t have time to call when I have so many things to do. My schedule is packed and, I don’t have the time to make phone calls.

9. Even if you are too busy to be with someone, you can still send a text message and say that you miss them. It’s better than nothing.

10. I don’t have the leisure time to call. I work full-time and have to care for my parents in their old age. I also volunteer at the local hospital and church, which takes away most of my free time. If I don’t find a few hours of daily relaxation, I would go mad.

11. Calling someone to say “I miss you” is the easiest thing to do. But if you’re too busy to even pick up a phone and make a call, then send a quick message.

12. I am too busy to call or be bothered by people who ask for help but then just don’t show up. My time is very limited and it must be used in the best way possible.

13. I am too busy to call is not a valid excuse for not sharing joy in life and getting the most out of it.

14. My days are packed full of appointments, deadlines and things to do that I am too busy to call.

15. As a busy woman, I am no longer able to make time for phone calls. I will send you an email instead.

16. Everyone has limited time and, I am no exception. I believe that it is more important for me to spend my free time with friends and family than on the phone.

17. I’ve been too busy to call. But I want you to know that the reason for my silence is not because I don’t care about you, but simply because sometimes it is difficult to take time from my busy schedule.

18. When free time is limited, I would rather spend it with my family than make phone calls.

19. I’m too busy to call anyone right now. You can call me later in the day.

20. I am too busy to call or visit you because I don’t have enough time. Let’s catch up later.

21. I am too busy to call at the moment. There are too many things around me that need my attention.

22. I am too busy to call, I do not have the energy to waste on small talk.

23. This is the time of my career when I don’t have time to call friends and family.

24. I am too busy to call because my free time is limited. Most of my free time is spent studying or taking care of things around the house, I hardly have any free time to call.

25. At times, we may be too busy to call the ones we love but you can never be too busy to tell them you love them.

26. I have a lot of things to do, so I am too busy to call you at the moment.

27. I am too busy doing more important things than talking on the phone.

28. When you’re too busy to call, make sure the one you love knows it.

29. I just don’t want to talk on the phone with everyone, I want to make sure that the time I spend is quality for me and for the other person. I do not want to waste other people’s time and I would like them to respect mine too.

30. When you’re too busy to call, you’re really saying that you don’t value someone’s time.

31. I am too busy to call anyone. If you want to talk, you know how to reach me.

32. My life is full of things to do and people to attend to, I am just too busy to call anyone right now.

33. I’m so sorry for being too busy to call. It’s just that everything has been so crazy lately, I haven’t been able to find a moment to breathe. It really means a lot that you thought of me.

34. You may be too busy to call me, but I’m not too busy to call you.

35. I am so busy with work and life that I actually don’t have time to call anyone.

36. I have too many things on my plate to take time off and call anyone.

37. I am too busy to make phone calls. I get so much more done when I can avoid the obligatory conversation and move on with my day.

38. Sometimes you are too busy to call. But that doesn’t mean that they won’t think of you.

39. I am too busy to call you. I have too much to do for us to talk on the phone. My time is precious and I don’t want to waste it talking about things that are not really relevant.

40. I have a lot going on right now and don’t have time to call anyone.

41. It will be nice to call once in a while but sometimes, you don’t just have the time.

42. There is so much work to do that I can’t even find time to call my family. I am too busy and going crazy!

43. Too busy to call, but not too busy to love.

44. I didn’t call you because I knew you were too busy. There are times when we have to do what we need to do, and not what we want to do. You will get a call soon.

45. I have been too busy with life lately to even make a call, but I am working on a way to come up with some time for others.

46. You are so busy and your to-do list is never-ending, but don’t forget the value of reaching out to those that mean the most.

47. You may be too busy, but I want to make sure you know how much your friendship means to me. It’s more important than any project I could ever do.

48. When you’re too busy to call, then call anyway.

49. When you’re too busy to call someone, it doesn’t mean you don’t love them. It means that you love them enough to know that it doesn’t matter how many times you tell them how much they mean to you, what really matters is that they know it.

50. We’re all busy. And when you’re too busy to call someone, it can make you feel bad. But that’s okay. If they care about you, they’ll understand.

51. Time is too precious to be lost in idle chit-chat.

52. I am too busy to call anyone. It’s not that I don’t want to talk, but the truth is that I don’t have time. There are so many things to do and so little time to do them that if you could come over yourself, that would be great.

53. I am too busy to call anyone. Just contact me through email or social media.

I hope you found these too busy to call quotes perfect for messaging your friends or loved ones that you were too busy to call them due to one or two reasons listed in the quotes above.

By admin

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