Assessment of Availability and Utilization of Instructional Materials in Wamakko Local Government Primary Schools.


This study was conducted to examine the availability and utilization of instructional materials in primary schools in Wamakko Local Government Area in Sokoto State.

This study therefore, used descriptive survey to investigate the availability of instructional materials. The population for the study was 881 and sample size was 285 based on Research Advisor (2013) table of determining sample size.

The data was collected through the use of AUIMQ (Availability and Utilization of Instructional Materials Questionnaire).

The data collected was analyzed using frequency and percentages. The study revealed that there were no adequate instructional materials in the schools and the few available ones are not mostly put to use because of teachers inability to operate them or their ignorance to utilize the materials.

This research study found that teaching without instructional materials is ineffective and therefore teachers should try to utilize the available instructional materials for effective teachings and learning.

Table Of Contents

Title page           i

Approval page         ii

Dedication             iii

Acknowledgements                iv

Table of contents          v

List of tables            viii

Abstract          ix


  • Background to the Study 1
  • Statement of the Problem 2
  • Objectives of the Study 3
  • Research Questions 4
  • Significance of the Study 4
  • Scope and Delimitation of the study 5
  • Operational Definition of Terms 6


  • Theoretical Framework 8
  • Instructional Materials in Teaching and Learning 12
  • Classification of Instructional Materials 16
  • Utilization of Instructional Materials 19
  • Problems of the use of Instructional Materials in primary Schools 23
  • Summary of Literature Review and Uniqueness of the Study 24


  • Research Design 26
  • Population of the Study 26
  • Sample size and sampling techniques 27
    • Sample size 27
    • Sampling technique 27
  • Instruments 27
  • Validity of the Instruments 28
  • Reliability of the Instruments 28
  • Method of Data Collection 29
  • Method of Data Analysis 29


  • Research Question One 31
  • Research Question Two 32
  • Research Question Three 33
  • Research Question Four 34
  • Summary of the Finding 35


  • Summary 36
  • Conclusion 37
  • Recommendations 38

References   40


Background Of Study

The idea of using materials and equipments to enhance effectiveness in the instructional process is as old as mankind, the wise teacher will always use equipment or aids in form of instructional materials to help the learners understand and learn better.

The unavailability of instructional materials in our primary schools and the little or no use of the available ones has impacted on the performance of children at the primary level.

In the recent years, there has been discussions and debates on the falling standard of education. The blame has been shifted from one education variable to another.

Teachers, parents and pupils share the blame, ministries of  education are often to blamed from the deteriorating condition in schools.

It is with this background in mind that the researchers undertook the research on accessibility and the utilization of instructional materials in Wamakko Local Government Primary Schools.


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Alcon D.M. Kinder J.S. Schunert J.R. (1970). Educational Research on how to use Instructional Materials Effectively.

Bridge (2000). Use of Instructional Materials in Social Studies.

Dike, (2003). Ineffective Classroom Communication the Bane of Knowledge and Understanding the Education Magazine.

Fadeigi (2005). Utilizing Available Ins. Materials for Effective Teaching of Business Studies.

Gagne R.M. (1985). The Conditions of Learning, New York Holt Rinetract and Winston INC.

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