Life is full of choices. We have the freedom to do what we want and what we like. Each day, we make decisions that affect our lives, and these in turn influence the world around us. Through our choices, we can help to create a better future for ourselves and everyone else.

We have the power to change our thoughts and actions in a very real way. We always have a choice: we can continue to live life being held hostage by our emotions, or we can make a different choice, starting right now. We can choose to create a better future for ourselves. No matter what we are facing, we always have a choice.

Every single day, there is a decision to be made, and each decision will change the course of our future. We can choose to make a bad decision that could hurt us in the long run, or we can make smart choices that help us achieve success and happiness. But when we understand that we always have a choice, it changes everything. We become empowered because we realize that there is always something we can do to change our lives for the better — even if it seems impossible.

Below is a collection of we always have a choice quotes that confirm that we truly do have a choice, and we can make a good one if we are intentional.

We always have a choice. We choose what we will make of our lives, the words we speak, and the actions we take. When we realize this, we can stop pouting, complaining, and blaming others for what we’re lacking – because only then can we get to work creating the life that we want.

1. We always have a choice. It is up to us whether we live in the present or dwell on the past.

2. We can choose to be happy and optimistic, or unhappy and pessimistic. We always have a choice.

3. We decide how we feel about things, what we think about them, and how we react to them.

4. We can choose to be healthy or not healthy, happy or sad, rich or poor—and whatever else we want to be. We always have a choice.

5. As long as we are willing to take responsibility for our lives and our choices, nothing is stopping us from living the life that we want. We always have a choice.

6. We always have a choice. We can choose to do what we want. The problem is that we often don’t make the right choices, because we don’t know what’s good for us.

7. We always have a choice. We can choose to be happy or sad. We can choose to be angry or calm. We can choose to love or hate, to forgive or to hold grudges. We can choose to be selfish or selfless. We can choose to work hard or give up.

8. We always have a choice. And it’s not just an abstract concept; it’s a powerful tool that we can use every day of our lives if we’re willing and open-minded enough to accept it as a fact of existence and use it for our benefit.

9. We always have a choice. Whether it’s what we eat, what we watch, or how we treat our neighbours, we have the power to make the world a better place.

10. We can choose to be kind and compassionate instead of cruel. We can choose to love ourselves and others, instead of hating ourselves and others. We can choose to forgive ourselves and others, rather than hold on to anger, resentment, and hate.

11. We can choose to be grateful for all that we have been given in life, rather than complaining about what we don’t have. And when life gets challenging, we can choose not to give up but instead, keep pushing forward until we reach our goals.

12. We always have a choice. We can choose to be grateful for what we have or resentful that we don’t have more. We can choose to lead with kindness or lead with cruelty.

13. We always have a choice. We can choose to be grateful or ungrateful, motivated or unmotivated, fulfilled or unfulfilled. We can choose to make our lives better or worse. The choice is always ours.

14. When we choose to live a life of gratitude and happiness, our lives improve in every way possible. When we choose to be filled with gratitude and joy, even the smallest things become more meaningful and valuable than they ever could have been before.

15. We are in control of our destiny. We always have a choice, no matter how tough it may seem.

16. We always have a choice. We can choose to be angry or peaceful. We can choose to be proud or embarrassed. We can choose to be confident or insecure.

17. It is our choice whether we want to live a life of misery and pain or a life of joy and happiness. It’s all up to us!

18. We always have a choice.
When we’re faced with an uncomfortable situation, we can either choose to act on it or choose not to.

19. We always have a choice. We can choose to give up and let our dreams slip away, or we can choose to keep going, even if it means starting over again until we get it right.

20. We can choose to speak words of kindness or words of hate. We can choose to see the world positively or negatively. We always have a choice.

21. We can choose to be kind, loving and forgiving, even when we feel like being mean and hateful and angry.

22. We can choose to take the high road instead of the low road. We can choose to stand up for what is right, even when it’s difficult or unpopular or scary or inconvenient.

23. We can choose to forgive ourselves and others when they disappoint us or hurt us; we don’t have to hold on to anger or resentment forever…we can let go, start over, and move forward with our lives in a positive direction once again. We always have a choice.

24. We always have a choice. We can choose to be healthy and whole. We can choose to love our neighbours as ourselves. We can choose to live in the present moment and not let the past or future distract us from enjoying life as it unfolds.

26. We always have a choice. We can choose to see the world as a place where miracles happen every day and where we are all connected by our shared experiences.

27. We always have a choice. We can choose to be kinder and more compassionate toward others, even when it’s difficult or uncomfortable.

28. When you are feeling down, or frustrated with your life, remember that there is always another way to look at things.

29. You can choose to believe that there is someone out there who loves you unconditionally and that no matter what happens, they will always be there for you.

30. We always have a choice. We can choose to believe that this too shall pass, whatever this may be. and When we get through it, we will know how strong we truly are inside, and how much faith we truly possess within ourselves.

31. The key to making the most of your life is to take control of it and make the choices that will make you happy. We always have a choice.

32. The choices we make today will determine our future. We can choose to be happy with the life we have, or we can choose to be unhappy.

33. We can choose to be successful in life or unsuccessful. We can choose to enjoy life or spend our time complaining about it. We always have a choice.

34. The choice is ours, but the consequences of our actions are not always ours as well. So why not make the right choice and lead a happy, successful and enjoyable life?

35. We always have a choice. We can choose to be kind or cruel. We can choose to help others or hurt them.

36. We can choose our attitude, and with it, the outcome of our day. The choice isn’t always easy or obvious, but it is there for us all the time.

37. We always have a choice. We can choose to be happy or miserable, to pursue our passions and dreams or settle for mediocrity, to be successful or live a life of regret. The choice is ours.

38. We can choose to show compassion for others, or we can choose to be indifferent to their suffering. We always have a choice.

39. We can choose to make our lives a blessing for others, or we can make them a curse for them.

40. Life is full of choices, and we are responsible for all those choices that we make each day.

41. You can choose to believe that things are too hard and there is nothing you can do about it, or you can choose to take action and make a difference in your life.

42. We always have a choice. We can choose to be positive or negative, to make changes or not, to love or hate. It’s up to us.

43. We are all born with the power to choose. You may not be able to choose your family or where you live, but you can choose how you react and respond to life’s challenges and blessings.

44. When we make a choice, we don’t know the outcome of that choice. The only thing we do know is that there is no change if we don’t make a choice.

45. We can choose to look out for others and help them get where they need to go, or we can choose not to do so. We can choose whether or not we want to laugh when someone tells us a joke, or we can choose not to laugh just because it might hurt their feelings if we don’t react right away. We always have a choice.

46. We can choose whether or not we want to be kind, compassionate, and caring people who care about others’ well-being—or we can choose not to be these things, and just do what makes us happy instead.

47. We can choose to spend our time with people who are positive and uplifting or negative and bring us down. We always have a choice.

48. We can choose to make the best out of every situation, however bad it may seem, or let circumstances dictate how we feel.

48. It is up to every one of us to make that choice. We always have a choice. We can choose to be kind or unkind and selfish.

49. We can choose to see the good in people and life, or we can choose to focus on what’s wrong with them and the world around us.

50. We can choose to believe that our lives are headed in the right direction, or we can believe that they’ll never get better than they are right now.

51. We can choose to live our lives believing that everything happens for a reason, or we can live our lives believing that things just happen randomly without any rhyme or reason (or worse yet…that there are no reasons at all).

52. We don’t always have control over what happens in our lives, but we always have control over how we react to it. We always have a choice.

53. Sometimes we don’t even realize we have a choice, because we’ve made a habit of doing something one way for so long that it seems like there’s no other way.

54. We can choose our attitude, how we respond to situations, and what we focus on every day. When it comes down to it, this is the only thing that truly matters – our mindset and how we choose to live our lives.

55. You may not have realized it before now but you are in complete control of your life, and it’s time for you to start making the right choices.

56. Life is full of choices. We can choose to make the decision that is right for us, or we can choose to make the decision that feels good at the moment.

57. We get to choose what we do with our time, how we spend our money, and who we spend our time with. Yes, these things are sometimes out of our control, but at least, you have a choice in how you react to them.

58. We always have a choice to be good or bad, thoughtful or selfish. Choose wisely.

59. We always have a choice. Whether it’s to make the right decision or choose our path in life. We decide who we want to be and how hard we work for something.

60. We choose where we stand, who we invest time in, and what we believe in – because ultimately, it is our actions that define us as individuals rather than our words.

61. We always have a choice, but sometimes we don’t realize it. That’s why each day, in my life, I try to practice making good choices.

62. We always have a choice. We can either focus on what is happening with our body, or we can choose to focus on something more fun, like our breathing or the scenery around us.

63. We all have a choice every day. We can choose to be happy, grateful, and positive in every moment. The more you choose to be happy and grateful, the easier it is to feel that way.

64. We always have a choice, to go back or move forward. We can choose to walk away with our heads down or we can turn around and embrace the new challenges and opportunities that await us. There will always be obstacles in life but it’s up to us if we want to overcome them.

65. We all have a choice. The choice to lead, inspire and grow. The choice to live today as if it were your last day on earth, which means to live intentionally, and with love.

66. We always have a choice, but sometimes it’s hard to see. So choose wisely, because you may not live with that decision tomorrow.

67. We all have a choice. We can choose to be happy or unhappy. We can choose to be strong or weak. We can choose to be successful or unsuccessful. It’s up to you!

68. We all say things we don’t mean but we always have a choice. If you want to make the wrong decision, go ahead. But if you want to make it right, it’s up to you.

69. We always have a choice, even if the consequences are severe. We can choose to walk away, or we can choose to stand up and fight. That’s what makes us human.

70. It’s natural to want to avoid things that make us feel uncomfortable. But we must also remember there were two people involved in the situation, and we always have a choice.

71. We are the architects of our destinies, and we can accomplish anything we set our minds to because we always have a choice.

72. It’s your choice to take action and make change happen, or let those small decisions build up and make you regret what could have been.

73. You have a choice in this moment and every moment. We are born with freedom, but we’ve created rules so we feel like we’re not in control. You can live your life with choices or without them, but that’s your decision.

73. We always have a choice. We have the power to choose our actions and produce a positive effect on the world.

74. We always have a choice. We can choose to be positive and grateful, or we can choose to linger in the darkness of negativity and despair. We must choose to do the work needed to move from where we are now to where we want to be.

75. We always have a choice between holding on to the past, or holding onto hope for the future. We can choose to trust, or not trust. We can choose to believe, or not believe. We have a choice to expect something good from life, or otherwise.

76. We choose our life. Our jobs, our finances, and even the people around us. We always have a choice.

77. You always have a choice. Either you can choose to succeed or choose to fail. But whatever choice you make, always follow your heart.

79. We always have a choice. We can choose to say what we want, or we can choose not to. We can make our love ourselves happy, or unhappy. Each day brings us new opportunities to be the people we want to be.

80. We always have the choice to change ourselves, and we can decide whether to stop or postpone that change. It’s up to us. Next time you are faced with a decision, remember that we always have a choice.

81. We always have a choice. Nobody ever holds us back from doing anything, or from choosing to live a life filled with love and gratitude.

82. You can remain the way you are, or you can change. But once you choose a direction, don’t look back, and never give up.

83. What you do each day is your decision. What you say each day is your choice. Who you surround yourself with and what you create are all things that fall under the umbrella of free will.

84. We always have a choice. And we can always change the way we think and act.

85. You may be stuck in a position where you feel helpless, but you will always have choices. When you change the way you think and act, you can change your life.

86. We can always take action. We can always be a catalyst for change. We can always create a better tomorrow.

87. We are in control of our thoughts and actions. We can learn new skills and adopt new mindsets to determine how we show up every day. We always have a choice.

88. We always have a choice. It may not be an easy one, and we may get scared or feel like we’re not ready. But we will always have that choice. Do the right thing. The brave thing. The generous thing. And let the results of your actions bring you happiness.

89. You have the power to take control of your life—so choose to be open, brave, and bold. We always have a choice.

90. We all have a choice. We choose how we react to everyday stressors and the way we view life’s challenges. The choice is ours.

91. We all make a choice every day in how we work, relate, and play. And every choice we make impacts the choices of others. So think about it. Are you making a difference?

92. We have the power to control our thoughts, actions, and emotions. We always have a choice in how we live our lives.

93. We have the power to choose how we respond to things. Yes, it is a hard road, and sometimes we sink into despair. But we are stronger than that. And from those ashes can rise our greatest triumphs.

94. From the outside, you may think you’re stuck with a life that feels like it’s not going anywhere. But that’s only if you don’t make any changes. It’s your choice to do whatever it takes to change things for the better.

95. We all make choices. From the moment we wake up until we go to sleep, we are making decisions about how we want to live our lives. Sure, sometimes it feels like we have no choice. But there is always something that each of us can do.

96. We all make decisions every day. Some are so simple that we barely notice, but some of our choices can impact the rest of our lives. Make sure you always have a choice by preparing for any situation and making educated choices based on clear thinking and good judgment.

97. We can never understand what someone else is going through, but we do have the ability to extend a hand and help them up.

98. We all make choices every day, and some are harder than others. But regardless of what you’re faced with, it’s important to remember that you always have a choice. And those choices define who you are and what you stand for.

99. You always have a choice. Take the road less travelled, take a risk, and try something new.

100. We are not bound to the choices we make in life, we have a choice over our lives and who we choose to be.

I hope you learned from the collection of we always have a choice quotes up there. Please share the post with your loved ones. Thank you.

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