Life happens. Just as good things happen, bad things will also happen, and we will not always get what we want, but one thing we should know is that we will always be okay, no matter what happens. In life, it’s okay to feel sad, frustrated, and angry because of what’s going on. You’ve probably got a lot going on and you might need your space to process everything. It’s fine, let that happen, but also know it will pass.

We all have those moments where we think that things aren’t going to work out and we’re not going to be okay. Get through that by reminding yourself that bad days do not last forever; they mightn’t even last an entire week. And sometimes, you can learn something from them which makes them worth it and helps you grow as a person.

Below is a collection of I will always be okay quotes that contain self-affirmation that you can use to remind yourself that no matter what happens in life, you will be fine.

I will always be okay no matter what happens. It may not be going the way I want, but it’s okay because, in some way or another, things will work out eventually. This is how I see my life today: a series of little victories and defeats that make up the tapestry of my existence.

1. I will always be okay. No matter what happens, how many times I fail, how badly I’m hurting at the moment, or how lost I feel.

2. I am surrounded by so much love and support. I know that no matter what happens, I will always be okay because of it.

3. I will always be okay, no matter what happens. I know that everything is going to be fine, and things will fall into place just as they should.

3. I will always be okay. I won’t get upset if I lose or don’t win something because it doesn’t matter because I am okay with myself.

4. I can face any challenge, I always stay positive and have gratitude for every day because it’s a gift. I know that I will always be okay, no matter what happens, and that there is more to life than just this here and now.

5. I will always be okay, no matter what happens, even if I get injured. The only thing that matters is that I always stay positive and strong. I always remember the small things in life, because they make it great.

6. I will always be okay, no matter what happens. I know that from past experiences and my daily life. I am comfortable with my world, even at times when things don’t go as planned. The more I can stay calm, the more options I have to handle what’s thrown my way.

7. The sun is shining, the sky is blue, and I’m still here. I will always be okay, no matter what happens.

8. I know that no matter what happens, I’ll be okay. And I also know that if I dwell on the negative or on what could go wrong, then I’ll miss out on the positive and all of the good things in life.

9. I will always be okay. I will learn how to let go of my fears, stop worrying about things that may never happen, and start living a happy life.

10. No matter what is happening in my life, I will always be okay. Self-care helps make me feel better when I am going through tough times.

11. I will always be okay, no matter what happens. This affirmation is not only for me but also for those around me.

12. I will always be okay. I always have a choice, and I can choose to be happy and safe, no matter what is happening around me.

13. Even when things are hard, I will always be okay. No matter what happens, I will continue to grow and get stronger.

14. Regardless of what happens, I will be okay. This will not define me but instead, empower me and help me to be the best person I can be.

15. I will always be okay no matter what happens. No matter the situation, I know that I am stronger than this and will make it through. I know my self-worth, and I know what I can do to set myself up for success.

16. Some days, I do not feel okay, but I will always be okay no matter what happens.

17. There are so many things that I can be worried about or uncertain about. But the truth is, even if all of those fears and worries come to fruition, I will always be okay no matter what happens.

18. No matter how bad things get, I will always be okay. There will always be something good around the corner.

19. I will always be okay. No matter what happens, I will survive and learn to love myself for who I truly am and accept my flaws.

20. No matter what happens, I will always be okay. Nothing can make me unhappy, angry, or sad. No matter what people do or say to me, it will not affect me or my peace of mind. It will pass over me like water off a duck’s back.

21. I will always be okay no matter what happens. Things may not always go my way, but I can find joy in each passing moment, and embrace the good that comes into my life.

22. Even when I feel like I’m stuck, or things don’t seem like they will ever change — I will always be okay no matter what happens.

23. No matter what happens, I will always be okay. I just need to keep believing in myself.

24. I will always be okay because I know that even though things may not always be going my way and life can be full of challenges, I do not need to worry too much.

25. I will always be okay no matter what happens. I am at peace with myself, so you can be at peace too.

26. Life is full of challenges, but I know I will always be okay no matter what happens.

27. I was not born with everything money could buy. Nor do I care too much about what other people think of me. All that matters is that I am okay with myself and not just physically, but mentally and socially as well.

28. I feel okay no matter what happens. It’s hard to feel this way, but it is possible, and I am living proof that we all, even the most broken people out there, can feel okay.

29. I accept who I am and that I have my things going on, it makes me feel okay.

30. I will always be okay no matter what happens because I know that no matter what, I can survive.

31. I will always be okay no matter what happens. I am resilient, and I will find a way to move on after this.

32. It takes courage and strength to be vulnerable. It takes strength to be yourself. I will be brave, take a risk, and step outside of my comfort zone today because no matter what happens, I will always be okay.

33. I am strong, and confident, and know that no matter what happens in my life, I will always be okay. I have decided this based on past experiences and evidence that continues to happen within my personal life.

34. Nothing will ever break me, whatever people try to do. I am resilient and tough.

35. I will always be okay no matter what happens. I have a supportive family and friends who love me, and even if I have nothing else in my life, I know that I will always just be okay with myself.

36. Amidst the tragedy, I will always be okay no matter what happens because I am a strong individual.

37. If I didn’t get the job, it’s not the end of the world. If I don’t have any money, it’s not automatic that I’m going to starve. If I don’t feel like doing something, there are no consequences. Life moves on, no matter what happens in it.

38. Everything happens for a reason, and I will always be in control.

39. I will always be okay no matter what happens in my life, even if it is hard to believe.

40. I will always be okay. If I fail in writing on the sports ground or in any other area of life, it will not matter because I am a good person. The world needs good people, and we should not be discouraged if we make mistakes or fail in anything.

41. I am always okay, no matter what happens. I will never be afraid, and I will always stay safe.

42. Just because I didn’t get my dream job doesn’t mean I will fail in life. Just because the girl I liked doesn’t like me back doesn’t mean life is horrible, and there is no point in going on. I will always be okay.

43. Life happens and sometimes we don’t understand why. And as long as we are living our lives to the fullest and being happy with where we are and what we have it’s all that matters. I will always be okay.

44. I will always be okay, no matter what happens. Even when life is not perfect, I will always be okay.

45. I will always be okay, no matter what happens. This is how I feel about myself. It means that no matter what happens in this world, I will always rely on myself and my faith to get through it.

46. I will always be okay no matter what. I’m confident in myself, my abilities, and my personality.

47. I will always be okay no matter what happens. This is not about knowing what to do or having the answers—it’s about knowing who I am and knowing that I can face any challenge that comes my way.

48. I will always be okay no matter what happens. I’ll make the best of each day but if it doesn’t go my way, I can be happy and grateful for all the good things in my life.

49. I can do anything I put my mind to. I will always be okay no matter what happens in life.

50. No matter what happens, I will always be okay. When life gets tough, I know that I have what I need to keep going.

51. I will always be okay no matter what happens. I am strong and healthy, have good people in my life, and have the best job ever.

52. I see my life as a path. I travel through the trees and all sorts of beautiful flowers, leaves and grass, but I am always headed in the same direction — towards home.

53. Life has its ups and downs, but I will always be okay no matter what happens.

54. No matter what happens, I will always be okay. I have a loving family, good friends, and a kind heart.

55. Life always gets tough. Every single time I have felt like this is the end, I turn my back and look at myself in the mirror, there’s no more room for negativity. One needs to know that everything is going to be okay no matter what happens. I can do it.

56. You don’t know what’s going to happen tomorrow, so you can either just sit there and worry about it, or you could get out there and live life. I chose the latter.

57. I will always be okay no matter what happens because I know that the world has ups and downs. There will always be people who are out to get me, but there are also people who care about me.

58. The sun will rise and set today, tomorrow it will do the same. I will always be okay no matter what happens.

59. I will always be okay. No matter what happens, no matter where I go, no matter what kind of setbacks or problems I may face, I know deep down inside that I will always be okay.

60. It’s okay to not be okay, but knowing that will always bring me back to standing tall. I will always be okay.

61. My life does not always have to be measured by the number of trips I have taken. It will be judged by my ability to face challenges and accept change. I will always be okay.

62. I will always be okay no matter what happens. No matter how many times I fall, I will always get back up.

63. I will always be okay no matter what happens in life. I will be able to handle everything that comes my way because God has me covered. He cares about all the details, and if anything goes wrong, it could be a blessing in disguise.

64. We are all human, we make mistakes. We slip up, we fall, and sometimes we break down. But no matter what happens, I will only be okay because I am stronger than my mind makes me believe I am.

65. Sometimes it’s hard to believe, but I will always be okay. Because I believe that everything is going to work out in the end. And if it doesn’t, it’s not the end of the world.

66. You’re going to be okay, no matter what happens. If you can trust this one thing in life, you’ll always be able to feel safe and comfortable.

67. I can get through anything I need to because no matter what happens, I will always be okay.

68. I will always be okay no matter what happens. I can’t be sad or angry all the time, so if I feel like I can’t be happy, I will stop and just be happy for a moment instead of thinking about everything around me.

69. I have been blessed to have a family who loves me, a father who believes in me, and friends who support me. So I know that no matter what happens in my life, I will always be okay as long as I remember that God is with me through it all.

70. Even when I think things are hopeless, I will be okay. No matter what happens, nothing can take away my happiness or my joy.

71. I believe that when life’s challenges knock us down and things seem to be at their darkest, God will always be there to hold us up. I will always be okay.

72. I will always be okay no matter what happens. I am capable of handling any situation that arises, regardless of how difficult it may be.

73. When things go wrong, the road ahead seems blocked and you can’t see a way out, take a breath and relax. I know it sounds crazy but everything is going to be okay.

74. I will always be okay no matter what happens. I know this. My future is bright and full.

75. I believe that there is always a bright side and that I will always be okay no matter what happens.

76. I will be okay no matter what happens in the future. I know that everything is going to be okay. I’ve been through difficult times before, and I always got through them one way or another. I’m strong enough to handle whatever may come my way.

77. No matter what happens, I will always be okay. Even if that feeling doesn’t expand to others or even myself right now, there is no doubt that it will eventually. That’s the way life is meant to be.

78. Even when everything feels uncertain, I will always be okay. I’m not worried about the future, and I am confident that I am on track to happiness.

79. It’s okay to be scared, it’s okay to feel like you don’t want to be alone. I want you to know that you can always come home again, no matter how far away from me you go.

80. I will always be okay no matter what happens. Living in the moment, I have inner peace and happiness. No matter what happens, I will look at it as a challenge to keep moving forward and defining myself by my actions, not by the actions of others.

81. I will always be okay no matter what happens. Nothing we can do can change the way I feel about myself, nor will it change the way I feel about you.

82. I will always be okay no matter what happens. The reason is I have taken the time to focus on myself and know who I am.

83. Even though life is unpredictable, I will always be okay no matter what happens.

84. I will always be okay because I am in control of how my life turns out. No matter how much I struggle and suffer, those moments will fade. The next days will come and bring new opportunities for me to be happy again.

85. I will always be okay no matter what happens. I know you don’t have to worry about me.

86. I will always be okay no matter what happens, even if I lose everything, even if people don’t love me, even if I feel like the world has ended.

87. I will always be okay no matter what happens, and it is all in my head. I just need to focus on the positive.

88. I am always going to be okay no matter what happens. I will always have people who support me, those to fight for me, and maybe those who don’t want to see me succeed but I know that one day, all of them will respect my hard work and determination.

89. I will always be okay no matter what happens. No matter how low my self-esteem sinks, no matter how much I loathe myself, I know I will be just fine.

90. No matter what happens, I will always be okay. No matter if life gets hard, or if my faith is being tested, I am made for a time like this.

91. There is nothing that can ever happen that will change the way I feel about myself. I am always okay.

92. I am okay, even when I’m not okay. I am okay, even when all around me seems to be falling apart, and chaos reigns.

93. Whatever happens, I will always be okay. I am strong, smart, and brave. The world may not be perfect but I can make it better if I refuse to let my life be broken by any circumstance.

94. I will always be okay no matter what happens I believe that how you process your emotions makes all the difference.

95. I will always be okay no matter what happens. I have been through so much, and I now know that nothing is certain, but I can always deal with life as it comes.

96. I will always be okay no matter what happens. I can choose to be happy, grateful, and peaceful today. I believe that if you want something bad enough, it will happen to you.

97. I will always be okay. You don’t know how worried I am right now, but it doesn’t matter because God is in control, and His word tells me that all things work together for good for those who love him.

98. I will always be okay no matter what happens. I have the strength to move forward through anything and everything.

99. I wish that everything happens for a reason. And I will always be okay no matter what happens just because I walk this life with a purpose and for a cause.

100. Whether I’m in a period of transition or just looking forward to the next adventure, I will always be okay. I’m not defined by my struggles, but by how I respond to them.

I hope the collection of I will always be okay quotes is enough to take you through tough times in life. Please don’t forget to drop your comment, and share the post with others. Thank you.

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