It is a beautiful thing when you want someone to be happy without you, when you can say goodbye to someone and trust that they will keep on living.

When you love someone, the first thing that comes to mind is that they are happy and smiling. You want them to be in a good place so they can live life stress-free and enjoy every moment of it. You want them to have everything they need and more because you know how important that is for their happiness.

And that’s okay! It’s okay for someone to find their happiness without having anything to do with you around them. It’s okay for them to find happiness somewhere else or from someone else or maybe it’s just time for both of you to move on with your lives instead of holding on for dear life because you’re afraid of being alone again. Let’s look at some be happy without me quotes and sayings in the post below.

If you really want to make me happy, be happy without me. I’m always so touched when you tell me about your happiness, but know that the most meaningful thing is not only making you happy but seeing you happy without me. With that, life could swell on the quotes of happiness.

1. I’m always so touched when you thank me for happiness, but know that the most comforting thing is not only making you happy but seeing you happy without me.

2. Every time you tell me about your happiness, I feel warm. But most importantly for me, I want to make you happy. And if that means you need to be happy without me in order to be happy, then let’s just wait it out.

3. We’ll let you live so spontaneously, hoping that someday the day will come when you realize there never was a time when we weren’t meant to be together. Please go on with your life and be happy without me.

4. Thanks so much for sharing the good news. I’m really happy for you, but know that it’s your happiness that matters most. I hope you feel better soon. The best of all is to see you happy even if it’s without me.

5. I’m sure you’ll have a great time without me. I have no doubt that you’ll be fine without me in your life, so don’t worry. Your joy is not dependent on me, be happy without me.

6. I know that even without me, you’ll have a wonderful time. I’m certain you’ll be just fine without me in your life, so don’t worry about being lonely or missing me.

7. I’m sure you’ll be okay if I stay far away from you. Please know that I trust that you won’t need me to act as your security blanket. It will make me also happy to know that you will be happy without me.

8. I would like to thank you for our time together and I want to wish you the best of luck! I’m sure you’ll do great on your own, so don’t be afraid. Go and achieve great things, be happy without me.

9. I thought you might need a friend to help with all the preparations for the party, but it sounds like you have everything done. I’ll get going then. I hope everything goes well tonight. Thank goodness you are happy without me. It’s a relief to me.

10. I know that you’ll be off on your own to explore the fun and excitement of this new neighbourhood. I know you are perfect without me, but I am hoping you will be happy without me for as long as possible.

11. I know you need my happiness too, but sometimes we both have different ideas of what that looks like. Don’t rub it in, but I want you to be totally happy without me.

12. I don’t expect you to like it, but I want you to be happy without me. And, if you need a little help, here are some things that might lessen your pain and make the healing process a little easier.

13. I want you to be happy, but I can’t be the guy to make it happen. So, be happy without me. I want you to be happy even though I’m not around.

14. I want you to know that I don’t want you to feel guilty, but I really think we’d both be a lot happier if we ended this relationship. And I hope that you will be happy without me.

15. I want you to know that even though I want it and we both desire it, I will not always be around, so I want you to be happy with or without me. I’m so glad that you’re happy. That’s all I can ask. You deserve it.

16. I want you to surround yourself with people who will encourage you to be the best version of yourself. Trust me when I say you would be happy without me.

17. Hey, trust me, you’ll be just fine without me. I can’t be what you need me to be and knowing that hurts me. But I know it’s for the best. You deserve happiness, and I can only bring you pain. I want to thank you for everything you’ve done for me.

18. Looking back, I can say that you were good to me while it lasted but you’re better off without me. So, be happy without me.

19. Hey, listen, I won’t be offended if you need to change partners. Under the right circumstances, we might have had something good, but it’s just not where I’m at right now. But thanks for listening. I needed to get that off my chest. Be happy without me.

20. I thought that we could do this, but baby, look at what you’ve done to me. Dear Friend, be happy with or without me because my love for you is not a selfish one.

21. Dear Friend, my love for you is not selfish. If I am not happy, then how can I be happy knowing you are unhappy? So, I have decided that your happiness shouldn’t be because of me. Be happy without me.

22. Dear Friend, I’m sending this message to let you know that I’m fine, and thank you for being there for me during my time of need. But I want you to be happy without me.

23. I truly want to make you happy because I genuinely love you. I know it’s probably hard to imagine life without me, but you don’t need to worry because I want you to be happy without me.

24. You’re going to be fine, and I want you to be happy without me. Babe, you will do just fine. I want you to be happy without me.

25. I don’t want you to think about me, or feel sad about what happened between us. I hope that you’ll be happy again soon. I want the best for you without any strings attached, bud.

26. I know that you’ve got a lot going on, but I want you to be happy without me. You’ll have a great time and you deserve to be happy! I’m sending you all my love.

27. I know it’s not easy, but it’s what we both need if we’re going to be happy. You need to be happy without me.

28. I just want to let you know that I’m not here, but I know you are happy without me. Even though I am around you or not, please be happy without me.

29. Please be happy without me, but don’t forget I am always by your side. I am putting you first by not being there all the time and I hope you appreciate it

30. I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. It may take some time, but I promise one day you’ll be able to smile and laugh again. So, please be happy without me.

31. To my friend, be happy without me. Own your happiness and express it as you wish. You don’t need to worry about me not being around. You’ll always be the voice inside my head getting me through the day.

32. You’ll always be my best friend. Don’t worry about me as I won’t be around. So, you’ve got to be happy without me.

33. You’re doing okay without me. I know you will continue to be happy as long as you have good friends and do things that make you happy. Just because we’re not together anymore doesn’t mean I won’t be there for your when you need me.

34. Right now, all I want you to need to do is be happy. And while I’m gone, I don’t want you to think of me, because sometimes I really wonder what it will be like. So, I desire you to be happy without me.

35. You were and always will be my best friend in the world. Have a great life. You don’t need a reason to be happy. Be happy without me and don’t ever look back.

36. You will be happy again soon. I want you to be happy, truly happy. Be in love with life and make the most of every moment you have. You will be happy without me. Just give it time.

37. Why not go out and enjoy yourself with the girls? Or why not have a romantic candlelight dinner with that special someone? It would be fun to do something spontaneous or forget about our problems for a bit. So, go out there and be happy without me.

38. Dear friend, be happy without me. And whatever happens from this day forward, always know that I am happy to know that you will be happy without me.

39. Dear friend, I know it makes you sad that we can’t see each other anymore. I’m happy to hear that you’ve been smiling a lot lately, and I hope you keep doing so even when we’re not together.

40. Dear friend, I’m so very glad we had the chance to be friends. If you take away anything from our time together, always remember that I am happy for you. Please sustain your joy and happiness. Be happy without me.

41. Hello, friend. I’m writing to you to let you know that I’ve decided to move on and find someone who will make me happier than you did. Good luck in the future with your friends and family, wishing the best for you always. So, be happy without me too.

42. It is time for you to move on. Do not let me be in the way of your happiness. I’m ready to start this new chapter of my life and I hope you are, too. No matter what, wherever life takes us, I’ll always be your friend. Be happy without me.

43. To my friend, be happy without me. You don’t need any other person to be the reason for your happiness. Be happy without me.

44. Please, be happy without me because you deserve it. Just know I’m here if you need me. Don’t be sad. The world is big enough for both of us.

45. You deserve every happiness and every joy. Make sure you are owning your happiness, and that you are surrounding yourself with people genuinely interested in making you happy. To my friend, I wish you the very best in your new chapter.

46. I wonder how you’ll be without me. You can do anything you want…you can write a novel and publish it, or paint the whole house red. Just be happy without me.

47. No matter how much time passes, I will always be your friend. Although we are apart, I wish you nothing but happiness. Be happy without me.

48. Please, be happy without me because you deserve it. Just know there is always a place for you here in our hearts. To my dearest friend, please know that there is always a place for you in our hearts.

49. We hope you enjoy your life without us. Everything is okay, please don’t look for any problems, just know that we’ll be here for you if you ever need us, and most of all, be happy.

50. Although I can’t be there with you, know that you’re always in our thoughts and that we are truly happy for you. I miss you so much. You are always in my heart and mind, but please be happy without me. I’ll pray for you.

51. There comes a time in every girl’s life when she realizes that she deserves better. She doesn’t want to settle anymore and she should not have to. The right guy is out there. This is a goodbye, be happy without me.

52. To my friend, be happy without me. You don’t need to worry about me not being around to be happy. I’m here if you need to talk. I hope you can still be happy without me because you deserve it–I really hope we can remain friends.

53. Don’t be scared to talk to me if you feel like it. I hope you can still be happy with or without me because you deserve it–I really hope we can remain friends.

54. If you need to talk, I’m here for you. To be honest, I hope you don’t think about me too much, because I would hate to make you unhappy. I really do hope that we can remain close, though.

55. I’m here when you need to talk, anytime. And I want you to be happy. I hope you can stay friends with me because that’s what I want too.

56. I’m sorry to have hurt you. But I really hope we can remain close friends. All my best wishes to you. Be happy without me.

57. You know how to get through to me. Any time you need to talk I’m always available. Please stay in touch and let me know how you’re doing. Be happy without me, and I do hope we can remain friends.

58. I’m sorry that I’ve caused you pain, and I hope you’re happy now. Friends are important to me, so if you need someone to talk to, I’m here. Be happy without me.

59. I know I’m not the same person you fell in love with, but I’m still here for you if you need me. I just want you to be happy without me. I didn’t mean to make you cry.

60. Just because we aren’t together anymore, it doesn’t mean that I’m out of your life. Please know that if you need me, I’m here for you. Be happy without me.

61. It’s OK to be happy without me. You need it. You deserve to enjoy life without feeling guilty and without me. You need it.

62. I think you should be happy without me, you deserve your happiness. Dear, I think that you would be happier without me in your life.

63. I still care about you, but I have to let you go and find your happiness. I think you ought to be happy, even if it is without my love.

64. Dear, I think it will be better for us if we let go. I want you to be happy It’s not that I don’t love you or treasure you, it’s just that I have accepted the fact that I cannot be the one to make you happy. So I will be the one to let you go.

65. I hope that I can remain part of your life even though we are separating. You deserve real happiness. So don’t wait or hesitate, be happy without me.

Be happy without me always. That is my message to you; it rings out in my heart in words, songs and quotes. Go ahead. Be happy without me. Life is too short to be dependent on one person or to play around with things that will not work out. Go and search for your happiness without me.

66. Happy without me? I guess it would be easier for you. If that’s the way you want to be, go for it! I wasn’t happy that you held on too long to me, so I want you to be happy always without me.

67. You’re happy without me. I’m happy without you too. Don’t worry. I’ll be fine. It’s better this way. We’re not meant to be.

68. I’m sure you’ll be just fine. So I’m off! You’ll make the right choice. I know it. I’m good at this stuff. Wherever you may find yourself, always be happy with or without me.

69. No matter how much time has passed, nobody can replace you in my heart. Life can be tough sometimes – we know. That’s why I want you to always be happy without me because I can provide the happiness you deserve.

70. Wherever you may find yourself, always keep me in your heart because I’ll be there. Life will always throw you a curve ball. Whatever you feel, however you feel it, I’ll be there for you. So, be happy always without me.

71. It’s important to me that we can still be friends, even if I’m not with you. You’re a good person and I would want to keep in touch if I don’t end up staying with you.

72. You are the only person who can decide if you are happy or not. Reminder: wherever you are, be happy. You’re going to be happy without me always like I have always said you should.

73. I know you’ll be fine without me, just like I always said you would be. I know you’re going to be just fine without me. You always were fine without me every time I left for a few months after college.

74. You’re a smart girl. You’re going to be just fine. I’ll talk to you soon. I know you can do this. You can be happy always without me. I have faith in you, just like always.

75. I’m glad to see that you’ve got the promotion. So well deserved! I know that you’ll be happy without me, just like I know you do.

76. I know that we won’t have a future together. Like I know that you still love me, and will never regret our time together. I know that we wouldn’t be happy together, so I thought this would be best.

77. It’s hard to say goodbye. But you’ve got other fish to fry, and I will be okay on my own. I’m glad that you have found someone new, someone better than me.

78. I know you will be fine without me. I love you for being so strong and for helping me be strong when I had a hard time realizing it on my own.

79. You’ll be happy without me. I can tell. I hope you have fun without me. I know I will.

80. I know you will find a way to repay me for all the times I’ve had your back and the time I spent listening and talking things out ― but I know that eventually, you will and that you’ll move on to do great things.

81. You’ve got only one life to live, please always be happy without me.

82. I want you to be happy. That’s why I never want to bother you even if we’re apart. No matter what happens, please be cheerful. Always smile for me.

83. I know it hurts to let go. But trust me, you’ll have an easier time living life if I’m not around. So, be happy without me always. Reach out to your network in times of need, but be certain you are living your own happiness every day.

84. Life goes on, whether you’re with me or not. I’ll always be there for you.

85. I’ll always be there for you, no matter what. Life will go on, whether you’re with me or not.

86. I’ll always be there for you. If you need me, just call. I’ll drop everything. I’m here for you. I’ll always be there for you. But you have to be happy without me.

87. It’s true. Whether we go our separate ways or stay together, life will be good. I’ll always love you.

88. Even if we’re not together, I’ll never stop loving you. It’s going to be okay. I’m not going anywhere and you still have the support of your family and friends. So, be happy without me.

89. Take care of yourself and don’t forget me. After all, there is one lifetime for each of us. Every moment matters.

90. You know, the world’s a big place… there’s plenty of fish in the sea! Just kidding! I hope you find what you’re looking for.

91. Dear friend, be happy without me always. It’s all I can wish you. My friend, be happy without me always. It’s all I can wish you from the bottom of my heart.

92. I’ve looked for a long time for the right words to say and now I’m telling you that all I want for you is your happiness, no matter whether I am beside you or not.

93. Telling you goodbye is never easy. It is a joy for me to know that you can smile brightly again and always remember that I’ll be with you in spirit.

94. Dear friend, you will always be in my heart. You were the best thing that ever happened in my life. My old friend, now I will never lose you. No longer will the waves of life divide us. No longer will one of us live and the other die.

95. Dear friend, I won’t be able to make it to your birthday party this year. I hope you’ll understand that I just can’t make the trip. So, I hope you are always happy without me.

96. As you pursue your goals and dreams, I hope you find happiness along the way. I hope you have a great day! Be happy without me always. Happiness is something you cannot find in someone else.

97. Be crazy about me and be happy. But know this, I can’t promise you forever because life is too short for that kind of selfishness. If I’m meant to be a part of your life, it will happen naturally. Living in denial doesn’t make you “happy”.

98. I want you to be happy. If I am not happy, I cannot be happy with myself. I want the best for you, even if it’s not me.

99. Despite our flaws and differences, we are friends. If I can help you find happiness, then I have fulfilled my duty as a friend. It’s time for me to let you go. Be happy always without me.

100. Life is too short to be unhappy. Be happy always without me. Don’t be a drag…Just get out there and have fun.

These be happy without me quotes are a medium to let someone know that your wishes for their happiness are genuine and you hope that they can find happiness without you.

By admin

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