Prevalence and Knowledge Assessment of Obstetric Fistula among Women Accessing Obstetric Care at Gambo Sawaba General Hospital Zaria.


Background: Obstetric fistula is a breach in the birth duct by means of undue labor without appropriate and prone health aid. It is an obstructed labor lacking well-timed health interference, usually caesarean section.

This is a condition where the baby always dies during labor. In the condition the woman concern is generally left with internal wound that leaves her leaking urine and waste.

Objectives: The aim and objective is to assess the factors responsible for obstetric fistula among women. To find out the categories of women who suffered more from the disease. To find out ways of preventing occurrences of obstetric fistula.

Design: The research design is descriptive. It will assess the characteristics of women suffering from obstetric fistula. Data in respect of their place of birth,presence of a skilled birth attendant, the duration of labor, mode of delivery, the presence of antennal care, the age at marriage, the age of first delivery.

Settings of research study: This research was carried out in Gambo Sawaba General Hospital (GSGH), Kofan Gaya Zaria city.

Population: The population of this study was 17 which included two doctors, a nurse and 14 women who were registered in GSGH and had obstetric fistula.

Table Of Contents

Title page………………..i

Certification…………… ii

Reader’s approval………….. iii

Dedication……………………… iv

Acknowledgement…………… v


Table of contents………………vii

  1. CHAPTER 1Introduction
    • Statement of the problem…………….. 1
    • Aims and objectives of the study……..2
    • Research Questions…………………. 2
    • Hypothesis……………………………………3
    • Assumptions of the Study………………. 4
    • Significance of study………………………… 4
  2. CHAPTER 2 (Review of related literature)
    • Introduction…………………………………….. 5
    • Obstetric fistula…………………………………………. 5
    • How many grieve from obstetric fistula?………… 7
    • Epidemiology of obstetric fistula………… 8
    • Causes of obstetric fistula…………..9
    • Pathophysiology…………….. 13
    • Medicosocial Factors in the etiology of Vesicovaginal Fistula……… 15
    • Prevention of Obstetric Fistula…….18
    • Treatment……………..21
  3. CHAPTER 3 (Research Methodology)
    • Introduction……………….. 25
    • Research design………………25
    • Study setting……………………..26
    • Population of the Study………………26
    • Sample and sampling technique………….. 27
    • Instrumentation……………………….. 28
    • Validity of the instrument………………..29
    • Administration of the questionnaires…………29
    • Method of data ………….. 29
  4. CHAPTER 4
    • Data presentation and analysis…………….30
    • Results of findings………………32
  5. 5 CHAPTER 5 (Conclusion)
    • Introduction to chapter…………………35
    • Discussion and summary of findings……… 35
    • Conclusion…………………… 37
    • Recommendations……………. 38
    • Suggestions for the study……..39
    • Appendix……………….. 40
    • Reference………………..44


Background Of Study

The importance of adequate health care to citizens of all nations cannot be over-stressed. The provision of adequate health care contributes immensely to the overall development of any nation. Similarly, poor health delivery contributes negatively to the development of a nation.

The prevalence of obstetric vesicovaginal fistula (VVF) in developing countries particularly among young women has become a major health problem that deserves serious attention by government of such countries.

According to World Health Organization (WHO) obstructed labor contributes significantly to maternal death (WHO, 2014).

In Nigeria, because of its prevalence, obstetric vesicovaginal fistula particularly in the northern states, due consideration is given to obstetric fistula by World bodies such as United States Agency for International Development (USAID)


Arrowsmith, H. E. (1996). Obstructed labor injury complex.

Charles R.B Beckmann, F. W. (2010). Obstetrics and Gynecology . Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

Gharono, E. &. (2011). Vesicovaginal fistula in Benin-city, Nigeria. International journal of gynecology and obstetrics, 312-315.

Goh J, K. H. (2010). Female Genital Tract Fistula. Brisbane: University of Queensland Press.

Grant, K. (2013). Obstetric fistula:no longer a neglected tragedy . Obstetric Fistula, 50-62.

Hancock, B. (2012). Practical obstetric fistula Surgery. The royal society of medicine.

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