Mornings are reminders that God loves you! You’re not just given another day to enjoy but a chance to right the wrong of yesterday. Waking to a new day is not by our power or will but it is just by the grace of God and we should all know that morning is the best time to welcome a new day and we should do this with lots of smile and happiness in our heart.

All glory and adoration must be return to Him for the blessing, peace, joy and happiness. So below are 100+ Religious Good Morning Wishes Quotes you can send to your family members, relatives, friends, husband, wife, girlfriend and boyfriend.

Best good morning religious wishes and good morning religious quotes to send to a Christian.

1. As you rise this morning, may God bless your day with immense happiness and joy. Good Morning and do have a wonderful day.

2. As you wake to a new day, may you blessed by God and start your lovely day with a lovely smile. Good Morning.

3. Every morning is the new day may God bless you with wonderful day with happiness and success. Good Morning and do have a splendid day ahead.

4. As you step out today, I wish you start your day with blessing of God, find success and have a lovely time throughout the day. Good Morning.

5. May Lord bless your day and keep you strong throughout the day and everything you touch today shall be blessed. Good Morning.

6. Today, as you go into the world, I wish you a blessed morning filled with blessing, laughter and joy unlimited. Good morning.

7. May the glory of the Lord radiate in all you do today and beyond and may your heart be filled with joy and peace from above. Good Morning.

8. I wish you a blessed morning, May God bless you for the right path and make your day a wonderful one. Do have a wonderful day.

9. I wish Lord bless you with a special day and you feel His great love in all your endeavours today and beyond in Jesus name. Good Morning.

10. Today, as you step out, may the Lord fill your heart with new hopes and new dreams and give you the energy to achieve them all. Good Morning.

The very best collection of spiritual good morning messages for someone you cherish.

11. May God bless you in the sweet morning, Lead your through and teach you the right path in your life as you step out today. Do have a great day.

12. A wonderful morning to a wonderful person. May God bless your new way of success and happiness and you will not lack something good in life. Good morning.

13. I wish you a sweet morning may Lord bless your day each moment of this day with a lot of happiness, joy, breakthrough and unmerited favours from above. Good Morning.

14. May you have a blessed morning and may God bless you with happy, healthy and prosperous on this beautiful day and beyond. Do have a great day.

15. A special breakfast for you today: a plate of love, a bowl of peace, a spoon of hope, a fork of care, and a glass of prayer. Enjoy your meal for you are under God’s care. Good morning.

16. Mornings are reminders that God loves you! You’re not just given another day to enjoy but a chance to right the wrong of yesterday. Do have a great day.

17. Before you start your day, have a quiet time with the Lord. Commit to the Lord Jesus whatever you do and your plans will succeed, each in his own time. Enjoy your day in Gods presence.

18. Prayer seeks for wisdom, not simply answers. It looks for courage, not simply help. It seeks for the gift of persistence, not only quick solutions. God bless your day and enjoy it to the fullest.

19. Don’t run ahead of God. Let Him direct your steps. He has plans. He has time. God’s clock is never early nor late. It always strikes on time. Good morning to you.

20. The loveliest day comes when you wake up one morning and discover the truth that love still colours our world. How lovely to be loved by Jesus. Good morning!

21. May God send his love like sunshine in his warm and gentle ways to fill every corner of your heart and give your day a good start. Good morning.

22. As the dawn breaks into a beautiful sunrise, may God shower you His blessings of love and lead you always to the right path and you will not go astray from Him. Good morning to you.

23. God smiled at me just this morning through the rising sun rays. I’m sharing the same courtesy with you by sending you a warm smile that your heart can feel even without seeing. Do have a prosperous day.

24. God created mornings so that we can say how great the previous day has been and how wonderful the next 24 hours would be! So as you go out today the Lord will be your guide and guardian angel. Good morning.

25. Sunrise makes our mornings beautiful but the words of God strengthen us and make our lives more meaningful. Smile and enjoy life! Go out and make impact today the Lord is there for you.

26. God sprinkles tiny but wonderful seeds of blessings on earth each day…and I just caught one that’s so nice and true…it’s you! Good morning to you.

27. God planted a seed of faith in our hearts, so all we had to do is water it with prayers, fertilize it with words of God and cultivate it with lots of love. So as you go out today be a carrier of Gods favour.

28. Life is like music. It has high notes and low notes. No matter how high or low your notes may be, keep in tune with God and you’ll never go out of tune in the music of life. Today listen to him in all you do.

29. You may not know where life’s road will lead you. But keep moving. God is walking with you. Good morning to you.

30. Everything in life is temporary because everything changes! That’s why it takes great courage to love, knowing it might end anytime… But having the faith, it will last forever! Do have a great day.

31. God said, “Build a better world.” I said, “How? The world is such a complicated, cold dark place and there is nothing I can do.” God said, “Just build a better you.” Good morning to you.

32. Trusting God won’t make the mountain smaller but it will make climbing easier. Hope you will be able to climb all your mountains today and every day. Have a great day ahead!

33. It is not how high you build your dream that makes a difference, but how high your faith can climb. It’s not how much you accomplish but how many lives you touch. Good morning and have a great day.

34. When you encounter problems in life, don’t ask God to take them away. Ask Him to show His purpose. Ask ways how to live a day searching His purpose for you. Good morning to you.

35. God has a reason for allowing things to happen. We may never understand His wisdom but we simply have to trust His will. God bless you all the way. Have a wonderful day ahead.

36. May God give you a caring heart so that you can become a whole person, not just gifted with intellect that can understand, but with a heart that truly cares and loves. Good morning to you.

37. God answers prayers – YES: He gives you what you want; NO: He gives you something better; WAIT: He gives you His best in His time… Good morning.

38. Happy moments – praise God. Difficult moments – seek God. Busy moments – bless God. Quiet moments – worship God. Waiting moments – trust God. Painful moments – touch God. Lovely moments – thank God. Good morning.

39. I can love you but God can love you deeper. I can be a friend but God can be your best friend. I can hug you but God can envelop you. You can cry to me but God can dry your tears. I can hold your hand but God can carry you. Good morning and do have a splendid day.

40. God often uses small matches to light up great torches and no matter how small you feel in this world, He has something big in store for you today and beyond. Good morning.

41. Life is good when somebody remembers. Life is uplifting when someone is always there. Life is great when someone would protect you and suffer. Cherish life because someone always cares. Good morning to you.

42. Search for truth and you shall find beauty. Search for beauty and you shall find love. Search for love and you shall find God. Search for God and you shall have them all! Good morning to you.

43. Each morning, we are reminded that life is a gift to be cherished, never to be taken for granted. We are reminded to be thankful for the grace of new beginnings. As you go about your daily labour, may you be guided by divine light? Do have a good morning.

44. Arise! Shine! For thy light is come. May that light illuminates your path as you set out to work. May your labour attract sweet reward. Good morning and enjoy your day.

45. Each morning brings with it renewed strength and vigour to face the day and its challenges. Whatever happens today, believe that you’re able to overcome them. Victory begins from the mind and it is yours in Jesus name. Good morning to you.

46. As we bring every thought to the subjection of Christ, we know that all things will eventually work out in our favour. Let the mind of Christ be in you. Good morning and do have a blessed day.

47. Trust in the Lord and obey. The lines will surely fall in pleasant places for you today and you will return with a mouth full of praises. Do have a great day an good morning to you.

48. Many they say are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him from them all. Hold God to His word for His promises of deliverance. May He deliver you from every of your troubles and pitfalls. Good morning.

49. May you find grace to do the right thing at the right time and in the right way today, to achieve your desired result. May you be granted speed to your awaited breakthroughs. Good morning.

50. Activate Gods grace over your life today. Conceive the unimaginable. Achieve greatness. All things are possible to those who believe. Good morning and have a great day.

51. Make your walking experience a worthwhile one. Be thankful to your creator. Be grateful for life. Let joy be the springs on your step. Do all these and put the devil to shame. Good morning.

52. Let your heart be filled with joy. Remember, you are engraved in the palm of His hands and He has your needs taken care of. Take the burden off your chest, whisper them to Him in prayer and you’ll be fine all day. Good morning.

53. As you go out today, may your life be overshadowed with favour from every corner. May you have cause to smile all day. May you return with mouth filled with praises and thanksgiving. Good morning to you.

54. May you be filled with fresh ideas and inspiration to face the days’ toils. May today’s successes wipe away every regret of yesterday. May your heart be filled with joy always. Good morning.

55. May people fall over themselves to assist you today. May your heart desire be speedily met. Have a beautiful day.

56. It doesn’t matter whatever happened yesterday, today’s a new day. Ginger your hope, put your faith on top gear, today will surely be better. Good morning and have a good day.

57. I have said a prayer for you this morning; the lines will fall in pleasant places for you. You will receive grace to do with ease all things that were hitherto impossible. Your life will attract divine favour. Good morning and have a great day.

58. My morning thoughts and desire for you, may the invisible hand of the Almighty wipe every tear from your face and replace it with a smile. May your ears be filled with good news and your heart be filled with joy. Good morning and do have a splendid day.

59. Every morning reminds me of what a great blessing you are to me. For every joy you’ve brought to my life, may you receive double. May you have today all your heart has ever wished for. Good morning to you.

60. A blessed morning, a fruitful afternoon and joyful night await you today. Step out into divine favour. Good morning.

61. May today bring answers that silence all your fears and settle all your aspirations. May all of your expectations be met. Good morning.

62. Though weeping may endure for a night, joy sure comes in the morning. May your life be filled with joy today and beyond. Open your heart to love and your mind to new possibilities. Good morning.

63. Things may not have worked out the way you wanted them to in the past but today shall be different. May you experience newness and awesomeness in every area of your life. Good morning.

64. Each morning comes with renewed faith and hopes that everything will be alright. May the breakthrough you have been waiting for locate you today. May you recover all that has been lost in Jesus name. Good morning to you.

65. At the end of this day, you will be glad you lived it because beauty and favour will line every of your path. You will receive unusual unction to function beyond your greatest imagination. Good morning.

66. Never take for granted, the privilege of a new beginning, the opportunity for a new day. It is a blessing that must be celebrated and fully utilized, maximizing every potential, thankful for every privilege. Good morning.

67. May every of your plans works out in line with Gods plan for you. May you never make choices that will jeopardize your life and future. Good morning.

68. When you have a chance at a new day, you have a chance at making right the wrongs of the past. You have a chance to make things better. You have another shot at fulfilling your dreams. May every moment of today count for success. Good morning.

69. As you step out today, keep in mind that your input determines your output. Give today your very best. Be inspired for greatness. Good morning.

70. Hey! Stifle that murmur. Get it to back down, that very complaint. Instead, give your heart to Thanksgiving and your mouth to praises. Good morning and enjoy your day.

71. Good news abounds for you today, blessings, success and joy on all sides. Today shall be your best day yet. Good morning.

72. A good nights sleep puts everything in the right perspective. Hope you had a good one. Heres wishing you success in all your endeavours today. Good morning.

73. May you find renewed strength to finish well everything you have started. Nothing shall stand on your way in Jesus name. Good morning.

74. Today will be better than all the days gone past. Things will fall into place for you. Good morning.

75. When all is done and dusted, when the day’s toil is done, you will look back and be thankful. It shall be well with you. Good morning.

76. Congratulations! It is a new day. We made it and this gives us the assurance that everything shall be alright. Go and do exploit. Good morning.

77. The day is waiting for you, with blessings and favour. Embrace it! Love it! Live it! Good morning.

78. Demand from life, what you want from it. May today yield its very best for you. God bless you. Good morning and enjoy your day.

79. Go into the day with confidence. Embrace it with joy. With joy, you can achieve so many things. Good morning.

80. Mornings are a blessed time of the day, a time to meditate. As you do so, may you receive fresh insights and ideas to tackle every challenge? Good morning.

81. As the sun shines brightly in the sky, may your glory shine. May goodness and mercy follow you and may your life be beautiful. Good morning and do enjoy your day to the fullest.

82. May the Lord guide every of your step. May His light illuminate you and may He give answers to every of your troubling questions. Good morning.

83. May the Lord enlarge your borders today. And as He does, may He increase your capacity for the overflowing blessings that will follow. Good morning and have a great day.

84. Life for me is more beautiful because I share it with you. When I count my blessings each day, you’re chief amongst them. I want you to know you are valued. You are special and I love you so much. Have a nice day. Good morning.

85. May today bring with it every good thing your heart desires. May you know no shame and may your heart be filled with joy and happiness. Good morning.

86. May you be comforted on all sides today and beyond. May you receive beauty for ashes. May all your tears be wiped away and your mouth filled with praises. May your heart be filled with overflowing joy. Good morning.

87. You should be thankful for waking up to see another beautiful day. You should be grateful and appreciate the almighty of giving you the opportunity to see early morning sun again. This new day, all you ask and wish for will be yours, and may the blessings of God always fill your household. Good morning to you.

88. This morning I asked God to please protect you from the accidents of life. I asked him to give you grace to live up to and more than expectations. I asked him to give you the ability to do more than you can ever imagine. I will always pray for you every morning because you remain dear to me. Good morning.

89. May God shower you with all the blessings that you crave for. May today be an amazing day for you and may you be filled with all the love that will surmount all challenges. Good morning and enjoy your day.

90. May peace and quiet fill up your day; always remember that standing by the word of God and holding on to it is all you need to get by in this sinful world. Good morning to you.

91. When you trust in God, you will be filled with so much joy and happiness. Do you have an amazing day ahead and may he fill your world with all the blessings to make you bigger and happier in life? Good morning.

92. May God guide you and show you things you need to do so that you can continue to enjoy being in the protection of the lord. I pray that he grants you the wisdom to make wise decisions about your life and future. He will be with you and support you in everything you do and every decision you take. Good morning.

93. I want you to know that it is well, that everything will turn out for good that your days will be filled with so much joy, and the hands of God will be on your family and home. Remember to ask God for anything you need in prayers and trust me, he will hear and answer you in his own time. Do have a wonderful day.

94. Always give thanks to God. The soul that gives thanks will always receive more blessings from God. Good morning and have a thankful day.

95. God gave us life to enjoy and fill our family, friends and neighbours with joy as well. Remember to love everyone around you just the way God loves you and you will enjoy more grace and love from God. Good morning to you.

96. Show your gratitude to God every day. Also, ask him for help and support whenever you feel lost and can’t think of the next steps to take. Remember to ask him for anything you need at all. He will always come to provide help and direction. Good morning

97. Hello, how are you today? May Christ shine in everything you do, with a prayer that you’ll always be safe, not only today but always.

98. What’s the fastest thing on earth? Bullet? No… Sound? Not quite. Light? Almost. Answer: Prayer. Because it reaches heaven even before you can say it. Good morning and have a nice day.

99. When earthly help is no avail, there’s one friend who will never fail. Just lift your eyes, the answer is there. For nobody knows the power of prayer. Good morning and have a worry free day!

100. Be happy with what you have…while working for what you want…Remember, a happy and successful life…begins with God and ends for God. Good morning and have a splendid day.

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