Strategies for Enhancing the Teaching of Foundry Technology in Colleges of Education (Technical) in North Western States of Nigeria.


The graduates of Colleges of Education (Technical) apart from the teaching job are expected to be self-reliant and enterprising. But this is not obtainable, due to the nature of the quality of teachers handling courses in Colleges of Education (Technical).

This situation is associated with the fact that these teachers are lacking the required teaching strategies to teach the courses efficiently and effectively. The study was therefore designed to identify the strategies for enhancing the teaching of Foundry technology in Colleges of Education (Technical).

The study had three specific purposes, three research questions and three hypotheses formulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. And the study is a survey research design.

A structured questionnaire of different strategies for teaching was used for data collection and was administered to 79 teachers of Foundry technology in Colleges of Education (Technical) in North western states of Nigeria.

Mean scores and t-test statistic were used for data analysis. Respondents indicated that all the items were acceptable as the required strategies for enhancing the teaching of Foundry technology Colleges of Education (Technical) in North western states of Nigeria.

The three hypotheses tested at 0.05 level of significance revealed that no significant difference in the responses of lecturers and teachers. Recommendations were made based on the findings, and suggestions for further study were stated.


Title Page
Approval Page
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
Abstract xi


Background of the Study 1
Statement of the Problem 8
Purpose of the Study 10
Significance of the Study 10
Research Questions 12
Hypotheses 12
Delimitation of the study 13


Conceptual Framework 15
· Concept of Foundry Technology 17
· Strategy of teaching 24
· Instructional strategy 25
· Instructional Materials 33
· Evaluation strategy 41
Theoretical Framework 48
Instructional Theory 48
Review of Related Empirical Studies 52
Summary of the Review of Related Literature 57


Design of the Study 59
Area of the Study 59
Population of the study 60
Sampling and Sampling technique 60
Instrument for Data Collection 60
Validation of the Instrument 61
Reliability of the Instrument 61
Method of Data collection 62
Method of Data Analysis 62


Research Question 1 63
Research Question 2 65
Research Question 3 67
Hypothesis 1 69
Hypothesis 2 72
Hypothesis 3 74
Findings of the study 76
Discussion of the Findings 77


Re-statement of the problem 80
Summary of procedure used 81
Major Findings 81
Implications of the study 82
Conclusion 83
Recommendations 83
Suggestions for Further Research 84


1.1 Background of the Study

Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is an educational program dealing with skill acquisition which has been recognized as a life wire for the economic and technological development of any nation.

TVET according to UNEVOC International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (2006) is a range of learning experiences which are relevant to the world of work and which may occur in a variety of learning context, including in educational institutions and workplaces.

It include learning designed to develop the skills for practicing particular occupations as well as learning designed to prepare for entry or re-entry into the world of work in general.

Osuala, (2004) describes Technical education as an aspect of general education that involves theoretical, scientific and practical skills.

Osuala added that technical education is designed at upper secondary and lower tertiary levels to prepare middle level personnel. These middle level personnel are needed to develop and inculcate proper values for the survival of the society.

Also, the personnel are to promote and encourage scholarship and community service (Federal Republic of Nigeria, FRN 2004).

However, government emphasis on skill acquisition according to Ogbu, (2007) has led to the establishment of Technical and Vocational Education and Training institutions at all levels of the nation’s educational system.

These institutions include Universities, Polytechnics, Monotechnics, Colleges of Education (Technical) and Technical Colleges.


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