Becoming excellent isn’t as hard as you may think. It’s a lot like making anything else in your life a habit. If you can establish a routine and commit to being excellent consistently, you’ll be shocked at what you can accomplish over time. Being excellent is a habit. You can develop it just like you develop any other habit.

On the path of excellence and mastery, few people who find their way are not afraid to let go of their comfort zones. They want to be excellent and are willing to give their best in following the highest standards they can set. Good habits are essential to achieving success but bad habits can ruin it.

The best way to get better at something is to do it repeatedly. It is the same with excellence, which becomes a habit when we dedicate ourselves to a craft and become obsessive about how we do our work.

Here’s collection excellence becomes a habit quotes. These quotes remind us that we need to use our energy wisely if we want to achieve greatness.

Excellence is not a singular act, but a habit. Examine your life and ask yourself what habits help you live a productive and happy life, and ascertain if they are the same habits you want to pass on to your kids.

1. Excellence is not a singular act, but a habit. Excellence becomes a habit when you work on yourself.

2. Excellence becomes a habit. The more you do it, the more you want to do it, and before you know it, you’re a master at it.

3. Excellence becomes a habit, a habit that becomes stronger every single day so it’s simple to do, but hard to forget.

4. Excellence is not achieved overnight. It is the hard work of discipline, persistence and commitment that creates a habit that provides us with a lifetime of excellence.

5. Excellence is not a daily routine, it’s a way of life. Excellence is a habit that can be cultivated every day.

6. Excellence becomes a habit. The more you practice it, the more automatic it becomes and the easier it will be to act on when you need to.

7. The habit of excellence is the best investment a man ever makes. Excellence starts with intention. Excellence becomes a habit.

8. The habits you create in life aren’t as easy to forget. Excellence becomes a habit when you practice more.

9. Excellence becomes a habit. If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten. But if you try something new, you might just get what you want.

10. A habit is a series of actions that are done regularly and almost automatically. Excellence Becomes a Habit and you too can achieve it.

11. Excellence becomes a habit. Develop the right habits and make greatness a lifestyle.

12. Excellence becomes a habit when you are diligent and disciplined. Work hard and not worry about the result because success will always be the residual effect of hard work.

13. It’s not easy to do great things consistently. Excellence becomes a habit when you make it a priority in your daily life.

14. Excellence becomes a habit, not an accident. Excellence is not a singular act, but a habit that is built by repetition.

15. Excellence becomes a habit when you know how to share attention. Excellence becomes a habit, not an anomaly.

16. Excellence becomes a habit. Keep at it and you’ll become more than good enough; eventually, you’ll become great.

17. Excellence becomes a habit. Unfortunately, so does mediocrity. Excellence becomes a habit through repetition.

18. Excellence becomes a habit. However, practice does not make perfect. Perfect practice makes perfect.

19. Excellence becomes a habit. A daily choice of excellence, because the more you do it, the easier it becomes.

20. When you have a habit of excellence, it becomes a part of who you are. Excellence is a habit and not an act. An ongoing, consistent effort that must be cultivated over time.

21. Excellence is not a singular act, but a habit that can be acquired. You have to keep at something every day if you want it to become a habit.

22. Habits are a choice, but making the right choice is what makes all the difference. Excellence becomes a habit.

23. Excellence becomes a habit. The real test of a man’s character is what he does with power. It’s a habit of excellence.

24. Excellence becomes a habit, and then it becomes a passion. If you want to be excellent at something, you must have done it millions of times.

25. The more you do something well, the more your confidence in it will grow. Eventually, it will become a part of you like breathing or walking.

26. Excellence becomes a habit. The first few times that you do something well, it feels awkward, unnatural and clumsy. But when you do it enough, excellence becomes a habit and you can do it with ease and grace.

27. When you get good at something, it becomes a habit. Excellence is a habit. It’s persistence, staying focused and exercising your mind. It’s dedication, passion and hard work.

28. Excellence becomes a habit, not an act. Like riding a bicycle or playing the piano, it just comes naturally after you practice!

29. Excellence becomes a habit, not an act. It is the result of an expenditure of time, care and thought. You are what you do every day, so get better at it.

30. Excellence becomes a habit. It’s the little things that matter. The way you prepare your food, the way you dress, the way you treat people whom you look up to. It all adds up to greatness.

31. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. Excellence becomes a habit.

32. Excellence becomes a habit. Always remember this in your life and become a successful person by always giving 100% in every way possible

33. You cannot taste the whole honey without bees. You cannot experience the fullness of life without the fullness of work, and it is not possible for you to succeed without giving a portion of your excellent efforts to the world.

34. Work hard. Stay focused. Keep a positive attitude and you’ll be successful in whatever you do. Excellence becomes a habit.

35. Excellence becomes a habit. We need more people who are willing to put in the work, who set high standards and who consistently strive to improve. We’re here for you.

36. You need to learn how to walk before you can run. Before you can achieve greatness, you have to do it right the first time. So don’t be afraid to make mistakes and try new things. Excellence becomes a habit.

37. A habit that is formed from early in your life, and stays with you for life. Excellence becomes a habit. A habit that’s yours and only yours.

38. Excellence becomes a Habit. Excellence is not a singular event, but a series of small opportunities. It’s the habit of doing things well.

39. Excellence becomes a habit. A habit of doing things well, of saying ‘yes’ to challenges, of following your bliss.

40. Excellence is not a singular act, but a habit. If you have the habit of excellence, then excellence will be natural for you.

41. Excellence is not a singular occurrence. It is a pattern of habits that makes you strive to reach your highest potential every day.

42. Becoming a habit of excellence is an important step in your career. When you focus on your strengths, you will find that your effort and energy are greatly rewarded.

43. Excellence is not a singular act, but rather a habit that must be cultivated by daily actions. Excelling at what you do takes a conscious effort, but the rewards are well worth it.

44. Always aim for excellence. Always give your best. Always remember that perfect is the enemy of good enough. Excellence becomes a habit.

45. It’s not just a victory when you win. It’s a habit that makes you unstoppable. Excellence becomes a habit. Habit is a great thing, especially when it comes to success.

46. We want to encourage you to keep striving for excellence. When you do, it becomes a habit. Excellence becomes a habit. A habit is a small visible action that leads to a result.

47. It’s never too late to make a habit of excellence. Be the best you can be. A habit is an inclined plane which forces a thing to move downward. Excellence becomes a habit.

48. Habit is a great way to build confidence, even if you’re not quite sure what it is. Excellence Becomes a Habit.

49. Excellence becomes a habit only when you do it daily. Excellence is not something you do once or twice, it’s something that becomes a habit.

50. Excellence is not a singular act. It is a habit. A daily action. And it always begins with your next decision. Excellence becomes a habit.

51. Excellence is a habit. We each need to focus on building that habit and being consistent in our craft. Excellence becomes a habit.

52. Excellence is the result of always doing what you do best. Excellence becomes a habit. The more you do it, the better you will get at it.

53. Excellence becomes a habit and is the key to success in all walks of life. Excellence Becomes Habit. Keep it up!

54. Excellence becomes a habit and then you start doing things without giving them a second thought. Achieving excellence becomes a habit when you have a plan.

55. Excellence becomes a habit. Thus, practice makes perfect. It’s not where you come from, it’s where you’re going that counts.

56. Excellence is not a singular accomplishment, but a habit, one that we must work at every day. Excellence becomes a habit.

57. As you strive to make excellence your habit, remember to never let your standards slip. Excellence becomes a habit.

58. Excellence is not a singular act, but a habit of mind, a way of looking at things. Excellence becomes a habit.

59. It is not always the highest level of performance that counts. It is the discipline to continually raise one’s standards that determines true success. Excellence becomes a habit.

60. When you get a lot of results, it gets easier to do more. The more you do, the more confident you become and the greater your potential will be. Excellence becomes a habit.

61. Excellence is only achieved through deliberate practice. The best way to develop a habit is to break it down and make it a game. Excellence becomes a habit.

62. Be excellent at something, and always try to do a little better than that. Excellence becomes a habit. The best way to learn anything is to practice it.

63. Habit is a powerful thing. When you build a habit of excellence, it becomes second nature and provides amazing results.

64. Excellence becomes a habit when you develop the discipline to do the right thing, even when no one is watching.

65. Excellence becomes a habit over time. The only way to achieve excellence is through practice, practice, practice and more practice.

66. Excellence is a habit to develop. It’s not just something that happens to you, but rather commit yourself to being excellent and taking the steps necessary to become extraordinary.

67. Excellence is a habit, not an accident. It’s a choice. You don’t have to be born with it. You can develop it. Excellence is the result of consistently doing things better than we thought we could.

68. Excellence Becomes a Habit! The more you practice, the better you get.

69. The difference between excellence and mediocrity is the little extra effort put forth. Excellence becomes a habit when you set specific goals and actually follow through with them.

70. If you have a passion for excellence and are willing to work hard, then it’s time to make excellence a habit.

71. Excellence becomes a habit. Excellence is not a skill or an act; it’s often a result of the thousands of small things you do every day.

72. Excellence is not a singular act, but rather a habit. The more you practice excellence, the easier it becomes and the longer it will last.

73. Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of superior initiative, intelligent foresight, and solid planning. The best things in life are the ones that take a little longer.

74. Excellence is not a singular act, but a habit. At its core, the pursuit of excellence is about gathering and applying the habits that serve us in life and business.

75. Excellence is a habit. It’s not something that you do casually, or once in a while—it’s something that becomes a part of your daily tasks.

76. Excellence Becomes a Habit. It’s not about the result, it’s about the process

77. Excellence becomes a habit. Do what you do best and show your best every day.

78. Excellence becomes a habit. Keep doing what you’re doing—and soon it will become effortless.

79. Excellence becomes a habit. Do what you do so well that people will come to expect it of you before they ask for advice.

80. Excellence is not a singular act. It’s a habit, achieved by doing something well every day and following through with hard work and perseverance.

81. Excellence is not a singular act but a habit. You build it through your commitment to continual improvement.

82. Excellence is not a singular act, but a habit that can be cultivated over time.

83. Excellence is not a singular act of doing something really well, it’s a habit that grows and builds with good practice.

84. Excellence is not a singular act, but a habit that you must cultivate daily.

85. Excellence becomes a habit. To attain it, you must say to yourself: “I shall do today what I should do tomorrow.”

86. Don’t change what isn’t broken. Make it better. Excellence becomes a habit. Therefore, practice makes perfect.

87. Excellence is not just an option it’s a habit. Habit is what makes the difference between ordinary and extraordinary

88. Excellence becomes a habit. It is done without effort and looks like second nature.

89. Excellence becomes a habit. It is the result of a habit acquired by doing something well

90. Excellence Becomes a Habit, the habit of giving your best self every day.

91. Excellence becomes a habit. It is the result of always doing what can be done, of looking at what must be done and doing it with all one’s might.

92. Excellence becomes a habit. Those who keep at it until they get it right, improve their skills and build up character in the process, are the ones who will eventually succeed.

93. The only way to get better at something is to do it. The more you do it, the better you get. That’s how excellence becomes a habit.

94. Excellence becomes a habit. Those who don’t practice it won’t get any better, and those who do will always be the best.

95. Excellence is not a singular accomplishment, but a habit that is formed from consistency and dedication.

96. Excellence becomes a habit. Therefore, never be satisfied with mediocrity or settle for average. Always aim for excellence and push the envelope beyond your current level of performance.

97. Excellence becomes a habit. Always strive to be the best version of yourself. Excellence is achieved by consistently doing things right.

98. Excellence becomes a habit. Unfortunately, so does failure. But both can be cultivated with hard work and focus.

99. Excellence becomes a habit. Vice versa, habits do not become excellence.

100. Excellence is not a singular act, but a habit. It is a way of acting, thinking and feeling that can become second nature. Excellence becomes a habit.

True excellence is a habit and not just something you possess. If your goal is to be excellent, you have to make excellence a part of your daily routine. That doesn’t just happen overnight; it takes time and dedication. But when you make excellence a habit, it can carry over into everything you do or create. And that’s why striving for excellence is so worthwhile.

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