Utilization of Dspace Open Source Institutional Repository Software in University of Jos, Nigeria.


The study was on the utilization of DSpace open source institutional repository software in University of Jos, Nigeria. It was a survey research with seven research questions.

The major objectives of the study are to ascertain users’ level of knowledge of key provisions of Dspace software for institutional repository services, examine the extent these provisions are utilized by the University of Jos, identify the challenges of Dspace IR software to University of Jos and suggest strategies to enhancing the utilization of the Dspace IR software in University of Jos.

Two separate questionnaires were prepared and administered to academic and library staff respectively. The population of academic staff was 908 and 227 was sampled, all the library staff of 24 were studied due to the small seize. The data collected were analysed using mean scores and percentage.

The findings revealed that the academic and library staff have the knowledge of the provisions but the academic staff still lack knowledge of some of the provisions, as a result of this library staff utilizes these provisions more than the academic staff.

It was also found that the benefit of DSpace IR includes: open access to research output, preservation of content, scholarly communication, institutional visibility and prestige, electronic publishing and self-archiving.

The major challenges of the utilization of DSpace IR were found to be network and server problem, lack of training and retraining of staff, copyright issue of intellectual properties and constant power failure.

The strategies recommended for improvement based on the findings includes but not limited to: provision of enough funds for the maintenance of infrastructure, provision of standby power generator, legal experts to throw more light in copyright issues, training and retraining of staff and provision of effective internet facilities.


Title Page… … … … … … … … … … … ii
Approval Page… … … … … … … … … … iii
Certification ….. … … … … … … … … … iv
Dedication…….. … … … … … … … … … v
Acknowledgement … … … … … … … … … vi
Table of Contents… … … … … … … … … … vii
List of Tables…… … … … … … … … … … x
List of Figures…… … … … … … … … … … xi
Abstract………… … … … … … … … … … xii


Background of the Study. … … … … … … … … 1
Statement of the Problem…. … …. … … … … … … 8
Purpose of the Study…………. … … … … … … … 9
Research Question………… … … … … … … … … 9
Significance of the Study……. … … … … … … … 10
Scope of the Study……… … … … … … … … … 11


Conceptual framework… … … … … … … … … 12
Concept of Institutional Repository (IR)… … … … … … … 12
Concept of Open Source Software……… … … … … … … 16
Concept of DSpace… … … … … … … … … 25
Users’ Knowledge Level of Key Provisions of Dspace Software for
Institutional Repository Services… … … … … … … 27
The Extent of Dspace Utilization … … … … … … … 40
Benefits of Dspace Utilization……. … … … … … … … 42
User Education Methods for the Promotion of Dspace… … … … … 49
The Challenges of DSpace Institutional Repository Software … … … 53
Strategies to Enhance the Utilization of the Dspace IR Software…… … … 55
Review of Related Empirical Studies … … … … … … … 57
Summary of Literature Review .. … … … … … … 64


Research Design… … … … … … … … … … 65
Area of the study … … … … … … … … … 65
Population of the study … … … … … … … … 65
Sample and Sampling Technique…. … … … … … … … 66
Instrument for Data collection… … … … … … … … 66
Validation of the instrument… … … … … … … … 67
Methods for Data collection.. …. …. … … … … … … 68
Method of Data Analysis … … … … … … … 68


Data Presentation and Analysis… .. … … … … … 69


Discussion of Findings… … … … … … … … … 84
Implications of the Study… … … … … … … . … 89
Recommendations … …. … … … … … … … 90
Limitations of the Study… … … … … … … … … 91
Suggestions for further Research… … … … … … … … 91
Conclusion…… .. … … … … … … … … 92
REFERENCES… … … … … … … … … … 94
APPENDICES…… … … … … … … … … … 104


1.1 Background of the Study

University libraries are libraries attached to university institutions. The main mandate of university libraries is supporting the mission of their parent institutions which is teaching learning and research alongside with preservation and access to knowledge and information.

University libraries are at the forefront of providing information services to their respective communities which comprises of students, lecturers, and researchers in order to support their teaching, learning and research needs.

Many a times academic libraries are referred to as the heart or nerve centers of institutions of higher learning where all academic activities revolved (Bappah, 2011). University library is an integral part of an institution of higher education.

Paradigm shift in university library services with the advent of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) has dramatically changed the role and position of libraries.

In library systems all over the world, the traditional method of books, shelves and preserving output of respective institutions was the order of the day.

The system was too laborious and time consuming. As more and more research and educational material is born digital, institutions and organizations are increasingly realizing the need for a stable place in which such material may be stored, preserved and accessed long-term.


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Afolabi, M (2010). Research Methods. Lecture Note to the MLS students of the Department of Library and Information Secience.

Agu, C. C.(2006). Users andServices of Academic Libraries. Enugu: Praise House Publishers.

Aina, L.O. (2002), Research in Information Sciences: An African Perspectives. Ibadan: Stirling-Horden.

Akintunde, S. A. (2009). Open Access: Maximizing Research Quality and Impact. Paper presented at the 2nd International Workshop at A.B.U Zaira, Kaduna organized by NULIB and ABU from 2nd -4th November 2009. http//www.ariadne.ac.uk/issued41/jones/#8 (Accessed on 7th October 2010)

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