– The Impact of Advertising on the Marketing of Banking Services – 

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This research work is on the impact of advertising in the marketing of banking services. This work was carried out in order to determine the impact of advertising in the marketing of banking services using Micro Finance Bank Plc Oko as a case study. As a matter of fact, financial industries are banks and other insurance firms.

Advertising can be defined as any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsors. This look at the various types of advertising that is required for the success of the service in the market.

In the first chapter, the researcher defined what a micro finance is and its operation in Nigeria. In the same chapter the researcher stated the research problems, the objectives declaring his intentions for carrying out this survey.

Continuing the research also explained the and eventually stated the research hypothesis, which was also tested and proves that the researcher analyzed data.

The second chapter has to deserve it traces down explaining how versatile the contribution of the advertising has been in the world economic developments. Following it up comes the literature works of eminent scholars their views were used to back up the personal and arguments.

The chapter three is headed with the . The sample take for this study revolves around 30 people. The researcher also reflected here the percentages table and chi-square were used too for description of data analysis and hypothesis testing.

In chapter four were the presentations and analysis of data. The researcher consider its important, to test the four hypothesis at this stage, also solutions to the problem was found. Findings also were made which the firm should consider.

Chapter five, shows the summary of the research findings, recommendation gearing that advertising help to build up firms good services or idea


Title page                                                                i

Approval                                                                  ii

Acknowledgement                                                  iii

Table of content                                                      v

Abstract                                                                  xi


  • Background of the study                       3
  • Statement of problem                            5
  • Purpose of the study                              6
  • Significance of the study                       7
  • Assumption of the study                      8
  • Research questions                               9
  • Hypotheses                                            10
  • Definition of terms                               11


  • Literature Review                                 13
  • A Brief introduction                            13
  • Review of current literature              13
  • Summary of literature review           32


3.0   Brief Outline of the chapter                           33

  • Design of the study                                         34
  • Area of the study                                             34
  • Population of the study                                  35
  • Sample of the study                                        35
  • Instrument for data collection                     36
  • Validation of the instrument                         37
  • Distribution and retrieval of the instrument 37
  • Method of data analysis                                 38


4.0   Brief Introduction of the chapter                   39

  • Presentation and interpretation of data according to research questions and hypothesis    40
  • Findings 60
  • Discussion of findings                                     61


5.0   Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation  76

  • Summary of findings                                            76
  • Conclusion                                                              77
  • Recommendations                                                78
  • Limitations of the study                                       79
  • Suggestion for further research                          79

References                                                                        81

Appendix A                                                                       83

Appendix B                                                                       84

Questionnaire                                                                  85


Banking are economic decision units that are set up for the provision of financial services and products to targeted market.

This service tendered to both public and includes: collection of deposits, clearing of cheques and other exchange.

Granting of loans and over drafts guarantee of joint financing by two or more banks foreign exchange transaction, fund transfer and insuring drafts services rendered include safe keeping facility and financial advice to customers.

The operation of micro finance bank initially were perceived to be incorporated for efficient sustainable economy. Micro finance bank help to provide financial assistance and credit to its customers, including formal and informal self – help groups, individuals and association: except public sector deposits from government agencies.

To this end, micro finance bank have to come up with more efficient and effective services for example, full-fledged computerization becomes the order of the day, processing of loans and advances reduction in member of clearing day for clearing instrument.

However, to communicate these services effectively in enhancing profitability the need for advertising in becomes inheritable. Advertising which until this time had little or no significance in the banking industry becomes strong information and persuade tool to reach target customers.


Alfred I. Okafor, (1998) Practice of Marketing. Nkpor Baset Printing and Publishing Ltd.

Dickson, et al. (1982) Advertising Problems, Principles and Cases. Illinois Iron Inc.

Ezeudu, Ikenna. (2005) Marketing Research Concept and Cases. 2nd Ed Cecta Publishers Enugu.

Frank Jefkins, (1982) Advertising Made Easy. 4th Edition Prentice Hall: Illinois Iron Inc.

Martin Bell et al (1991) “The Faltering Marketing Concept”, Journal of Marketing. Free Press Chicago. Illinois Iron Inc

Nonyelu Nwokoye (1980) Modern Marketing. Baset Printing: Nkpor.

Okoye, J.I. (2003) Marketing Principles Concepts and Theories Strong Tower: Enugu.  

Philip, Kotler. (1992) Marketing Management, Analysis, Planning and Control 3rd Edition Prentice Hall: London.

Pramer Waran, (2003) Micro Credit Organization Annual Report Vol. II 2010.

William, J. Stanton (1981) Fundamental of Marketing 6th Edition Fleetwood Press Limited: Illinois Iron Inc.

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