– The Effective Communication, a Tool for the Achievement of Administration Goals in an Organization – 

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in any organisation, regardless of its type and size remains critical, to the achievement of organisational objectives. This is more so when any break communication will result in chase, misunderstanding and conflict.

Bank PHB Plc. lays great emphasis on for the successful accomplishment of its goals and objectives. The objectives of this study therefore are; to find out different methods and channels of communication and how these can best be used in achieving organisational goals.

It was to also find out the barriers and problems of communication and hour they can be solved. Consequent upon which, some recommendations were to be made on how organisations can improve their system of and higher productivity. The study adopted the descriptive method through structured means.

A summary of the findings indicate that effective communication, is an important factor for any organisation, that wants to achieve its objectives. While it was also discovered that could led to difficulties such a break down in communication low moral, industrial conflict and .


Title                                                                                                                                       i

Approval                                                                                                                             ii

Dedication                                                                                                                          iii

Acknowledgements                                                                                                       iv

Table of contents                                                                                                            vii

Abstract                                                                                                                               viii

Chapter one

1.1          Background of the study                                                                              10

1.2          Statement of the problem                                                                           11

1.3          Purpose of the study                                                                                     12

1.4          Significance of the study                                                                               13

1.5          Research questions                                                                                        14

1.6          Scope / Delimitation of the study                                                           14

1.7          Definition of terms                                                                                          17

Chapter two

Literature review                                                                                                            20

2.1        Conceptual framework                                                                                 38

2.2        Theoretical framework                                                                                  39

2.3          Empirical review                                                                                               42

Chapter three

Research methodology                                                                                                               43

3.1          Design of the study                                                                                         43

3.2          Area of the study                                                                                             43

3.3          Population of the study                                                                                              44

3.4          Sample of the study                                                                                       45

3.5          Instrument for data collection                                                                 45

3.6          Validation of the instrument                                                                    46

3.7          Distribution and retrieval of the instrument                                    46

3.8          Method of data analysis                                                                               46

Chapter four

Presentation of data and analysis                                                                           47

Research questions                                                                                                        53

Chapter five

5.1          Summary of findings                                                                                    54

5.2          Conclusion                                                                                                          58

5.3          Recommendations                                                                                          59

5.4          Limitation of the study                                                                  60

5.5          Suggestions for further research                                              60

References                                                                                        61



Communication is the act of transferring information from one person to another; it could also be means of transmitting and conveying of ideas, attitudes, view and opinions from person to person, generation to generation. Communication to a very large audience, and vice versa.

Social organization cannot survive without communication. You can imagine what the situation will be like if you gather people together and cannot communicate to them; the situation will be quite uncontrollable. Irrespective of how poor or rich and organization is, there exist some spectrum of communication, in all without it no organisation. It is so vital that without it, no organisation can succeed.

In fact, communication is indispensable to human existence because one must need to communicate with people around him to share ideas, experience and feelings. An organization where channels of communication, or where it is not working well should need it or  have the already existing ones reinforced the employers   would like the feelings of the employee, customers and the general public communication to help streamline action and activities in the organization.

The employees, mere especially would like to know the objectives of the organization in which they are working for. They will affect them are about to be affective. They will also   like to know what is expected of them in the organization, to abide the rules and regulation sand to make know to the organization their feeling, decisive, aspiration and efforts.


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