Breaking up and getting back together is a very common occurrence in relationships. It can be hard to let go of someone that you love, especially when you have been with them for a long time. It is not easy for anybody. It’s especially hard for someone who’s had a long-term relationship and has been with their partner for years. You know, you can get used to the idea of being with someone, so when that person leaves, it can be pretty devastating.

No question that breaking up is painful. But getting back together can be just as painful, if not more so. Sometimes, it’s good for both parties and sometimes it’s not. There are times when a breakup can be the best thing for both partners; other times, it’s not so great. If you have had a breakup, then you know how hard it is to get over someone you love. It seems like every time you think about them, tears start flowing and your heart aches.

You try to stop thinking about them but it’s difficult because their face keeps popping up in your mind or you see something that brings back memories of them. You feel as if nothing else matters anymore except for getting them back into your life again. You want them back more than anything else in the world! If this sounds familiar then take heart.

The collection of break up and get back together quotes might be all you need to achieve this, so read on. It will show you how to rekindle your ex’s love, without being too pushy.

Break up and get back together. You can’t deny that the thought has crossed your mind. You see other couples walking down the street, holding hands and smiling. Or you hear about how much fun they had with their friends for the weekend, which left you at home, alone. But maybe it’s not worth breaking up over every little thing?

1. Breaking up and getting back together is a great easy way to end a relationship but also come back. We can all remember the times when you wanted to break up with someone but somehow ended up discussing the situation and getting back together again.

2. Breakups are tough, but so is getting back together. Most people who break up with someone also consider getting back with that person at some point. After all, the person you broke up with might have been the best thing that ever happened to you — until they weren’t anymore.

3. Break up, get back together – the cycle of love. Let’s face it, it’s not easy to move on from an ex and start fresh. You need time and space to process your emotions and make peace with what went wrong before anyone else gets hurt.

4. Getting back together with an ex is tough. You may know how you feel about each other now, but that doesn’t mean your ex feels the same way.

5. When you decide to end the relationship, don’t perform a cheap stunt. Be honest and direct. Don’t use the other person as a scapegoat for any problems in your life. Surely, he or she will be willing to meet you halfway if both people are acting from their hearts.

6. Sometimes, letting go of someone you love is the best thing to do. But more often than not, they come back to you and everything seems right with the world again.

7. This breakup is too big for you to handle. There’s no getting around it, every relationship is going to end at some point in time so you might as well do it the easy way and be mature about it. Just break up, get over it and move on like a man! But if breaking up and getting back together is what you want then go for it!

8. Break-ups aren’t easy. They are some of the most emotionally trying times in our lives. But getting back together with your partner after a breakup? That’s even harder. But it can be done!

9. Breaking up and getting back together is a very common occurrence in life. Some people get back together right away, while others take years or even decades to decide if they want to rekindle the flame. While you might think that breaking up seems much easier than trying to get back together or improving your relationship with someone you’re currently with, take some time to consider if this would be the best decision for both you and your partner before going forward with it.

10. Breaking up and getting back together is a common experience for couples, who often find the initial stages of separation testing their bond. When one person decides to end the relationship, there are several reasons given as justification. When both parties want to get back together, there are also some very specific things they need to do to make sure they’re in a better place than they were before.

11. You are not alone if you have been through breaking up and then getting back together with a partner. While it can be sad and heartbreaking at times, it can also be exciting, exhilarating and uplifting as well.

12. If you break up with your BF/GF, stay apart for a while. Once you have had some time alone and have come to realize that life is not so bad without them, then you can text or call and see if getting back together is an option.

13. Today, two people can break up over the phone or by text. But whether it’s a breakup or reunion, how you get back together can be just as complicated as the original split.

14. Breaking up and getting back together is a tough process, but if you and your partner have the maturity to handle it, it can be rewarding for both of you.

15. Breaking up and getting back together again is a common practice in relationships. It’s one of the most painful things in life, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Breaking up is an opportunity for change, as well as an opportunity to learn something new about yourself and your partner. You might think you’ll feel better once you’re no longer in the relationship, but chances are this won’t be true — at least not right away.

16. Breaking up and getting back together is an unfortunate side effect of a relationship that appears dominant. Many times people do this without a second thought, but what they fail to realize is that there are serious repercussions involved in breaking up, getting back together and repeating.

17. Breaking up and getting back together is a common cycle in relationships. It happens for lots of reasons, but it’s important to understand that you can learn from it and not repeat the same mistakes.

18. Breaking up and getting back together is never easy. But there are ways to make it easier, such as being honest with your partner while you’re breaking up, and having a plan in place for when you get back together.

19. Breaking up and getting back together can be like a roller coaster ride. You’re all excited about it at first, only to have everything go wrong and make you wonder if you should break up again.

20. Breakups can be hard, but breaking up and then getting back together can make things even harder. If you’re trying to reconnect after a breakup, it’s important to learn from past mistakes to do it right this time.

21. Breaking up and getting back together is a strange process, but one that can happen. Whether you’re in love, dating or casually hooking up with someone, there are times when a relationship isn’t working anymore. Even though you’ve spent an incredible amount of time with this person and want to spend even more, it’s just not going to happen.

22. Breaking up and getting back together helps couples. First of all, it’s important to know that you don’t have to make any permanent decisions when you’re friends with your ex and deciding whether or not you want to be together. The point of this stage is to figure out whether or not you’re going to work it out.

23. People like to break up and get back together because it’s exciting and because they feel pressured to do so, but if you are choosing to end your relationship it’s best to have a good, solid reason for doing so.

24. Breakups are hard, but getting back together can be even harder. By understanding why people get back together and what makes them stay the way they used to, you can provide yourself with an advantage over your ex and make sure that your relationship will lead to a happy ending.

25. Breakups are painful, but the pain only lasts for a short period. Getting back together isn’t easy, but it can be done. Learn how to cope with the pain after a breakup and how to get your ex back, so you can start enjoying your life again.

26. When we break up with someone, it’s because we want to be single. That does not mean that breaking up is easy. Getting your ex back can also be hard. It requires a lot of work.

27. Breaking up and getting back together is one of the most difficult things in a relationship but it’s also one of the most beneficial. It can be frustrating, painful and confusing but many good things come out of breaking up.

28. Breaking up and getting back together is a common occurrence in relationships. Although it may seem like a nightmare, it’s good for your relationship.

29. Breaking up and getting back together is a common occurrence happening at least once in our lives. A breakup can be caused by any number of reasons, including infidelity, lack of communication and trust, different intentions for the relationship, conflict with friends or family members, major changes in life circumstances, and growing apart over time due to differences in goals and opinions.

30. Breaking up and getting back together is a common experience in romantic relationships. Breaking up doesn’t necessarily mean ending the relationship. It can be just another step toward strengthening your connection and keeping your relationship healthy, as long as both partners are committed to working on it.

31. When you break up with someone, getting back together again is a big deal. Regardless of whether you broke up or caused it, breaking up and getting back together is a huge decision that should be made carefully.

32. Getting back together with your ex is an emotional roller coaster ride. For some people, it’s become a new trend to recreate the magic that ended, but for others it’s impossible. One thing is certain: getting back together after a bad breakup takes time and patience.

33. Breaking up and getting back together is an emotional roller coaster. On one hand, it’s excruciatingly painful and sad to break up with someone that you love, but on the other hand, it can give you a chance to fix what went wrong in your relationship.

34. Breaking up and getting back together is a tale as old as time. When you break up with someone, it doesn’t mean that you don’t love that person anymore. Rather than telling them to go away, break up and then try to get back together again.

35. Breaking up with someone and getting back together can mess with a person’s brain. It also seems to be something that happens often these days, so maybe in addition to breaking up with someone you know, you could also get help on how to get back together again.

36. Breaking up and getting back together is never easy, but it does happen. If a breakup is on the horizon, you should consider discussing what your expectations for the future are before taking any action. When you know what to expect from each other when things go wrong, neither party can be blamed for their behaviour when the inevitable happens. If you’re both on the same page about what you want to do after the breakup, then at least there won’t be any lingering problems between you.

37. A lot of times when we break up with someone, it turns out that it was just a phase or a situation. Breaking up and getting back together is normal, even if it’s not ideal.

38. When you break up with someone, you’re often trying to fix the relationship. It can be tempting to get back together with your ex if they suddenly decide that they want to make things work again. But beware – if you do things this way, you’re likely to find yourself in a vicious cycle of breakups and make-ups.

39. Breaking up and getting back together is a normal part of any relationship. It can be hard to deal with, especially if you’re planning on moving away from each other or taking a break from dating for a while. But don’t worry — there’s hope.

40. Breaking up and getting back together is something that many consider a bad idea. It can cause unnecessary stress and arguments between you and your partner. Just take time apart and try to think about the reasons why you won’t work out. If those reasons are valid reasons not to date each other then break it off for good.

41. It’s not that you don’t love each other anymore. You do. It’s just that you’ve both changed in some way, and you don’t trust each other anymore. The only way to get back to where you were is to go through a transition period where you both learn how to trust each other again, or even if you should still be together.

42. Breaking up and getting back together is hard on a relationship. It’s a process that includes many more stages than just one break-up, and how you handle them all could help strengthen your bond or lead to its demise.

43. Breaking up and getting back together is an important part of any relationship. If you have to do it, you have to do it. Breaking up is simple, but it’s a little more difficult to get back together again.

44. Breaking up is one of the hardest things to do. Just because you broke up doesn’t mean that there’s a definite end to the relationship. There are many cases where couples get back together after breaking up, and even sometimes when they get married.

45. Breaking up is hard because the person you were with becomes such a huge part of your life. Even after you break up, when they stop contacting you it’s still hard because you are not used to being away from them. People can try to tell you that it will get better but it takes time and lots of work on your part.

46. It’s a very common experience for couples to break up and get back together. It can be confusing because, after the breakup, things can feel unresolved and uncomfortable. If you take the time to figure out what went wrong, you can make sure that this time around, you know what you want and need in your relationship.

47. Breaking up is hard to do, but getting back together isn’t impossible. Being with someone who makes you happy could be all it takes to heal old wounds and get you back in the game of dating.

48. It can be hard to keep your cool when you break up with someone. But whether you’re hoping to get back together with an ex or just want some closure, the important thing is to act rationally when it comes time to talk.

49. Breaking up and getting back together is a vicious cycle that can be hard to break. We’ve all been there, and maybe you even believe it’s the best way to get back together. You’re not alone. When we break up with someone and then get back together, (whether as friends or romantic partners) we’re putting our relationship through a lot of changes to test whether we should stay together or go our separate ways.

50. Breakups are hard. And getting back together after a breakup can be even harder. But when you’re in love, the feelings that brought you together can make it worth it.

51. Breaking up is a lot easier than getting back together. Breaking up is like being punched in the stomach, once you do it you start to feel better, even though it hurts like hell for a while.

52. Breaking up is hard to do. You don’t know how it will go, and you have a ton of questions about what to do when someone breaks up with you. But one thing that you shouldn’t do is be afraid of breaking up—and that’s because breakups don’t have to be so painful (and they’re also not permanent). There are several scenarios where getting back together with someone is acceptable (and even healthy).

53. Breaking up and getting back together is a normal part of all relationships. The important thing is to learn from each experience so you can grow together in the long run.

54. Breaking up can be painful, but so is the process of getting back together. Breaking up is a good thing; it’s the way we learn about ourselves and what we want in a relationship. Breaking up with someone you love is not an easy thing to do; even if you know that it’s for the best, it still hurts like hell.

55. If you want to get back together with your ex, be prepared for a very difficult and often painful process. You need to remember that your ex will probably have to grieve the loss of the relationship before they can accept it again.

56. Breaking up and getting back together is a popular cliche, but it does not need to be that way. You can break up with someone and still keep the things you value most about them in your life. You may even wind up better off!

57. Breaking up and getting back together is a common relationship pattern. Breakups can, and, do, often make people realize they still love each other. However, it’s easy to get lost in the excitement of reconciliation and forget some important lessons learned from your last breakup.

58. It’s possible to break up and get back together quickly if everything is resolved between you. However, don’t get too attached again until you are sure about the relationship’s future.

59. Breaking up and getting back together is a common part of relationships. Sometimes it’s because one person just isn’t ready for a commitment, or maybe one person thinks the relationship is over, but then gets an urge to hang out again. Breakups don’t always mean the end of your relationship; it could just be a bump in the road that will make you stronger.

60. Breaking up and getting back together is something that almost every couple goes through. When a couple splits, they need to work out how they both feel about the relationship, whether or not they see a future together and what went wrong in the past. Couples must take as much time as they need to ensure that they are completely happy with their decision before making it final.

61. The decision to break up is one of the most difficult you’ll ever make in life. Breaking up and getting back together is an emotional roller coaster that can be next to impossible without professional advice, but it isn’t all bad news.

62. Breaking up and getting back together is by far the most common pattern of romantic relationships. If you’re in a relationship yourself, you may either be thinking that this is an inevitable part of life or, if you don’t want to get back together with your partner, feeling like your partner will want to get back together and they won’t listen to what you have to say about it.

63. Breaking up and getting back together can be a stressful experience if you’re not being rational about it. It’s okay to feel bad about yourself, but try not to fall into a cycle of replaying the relationship in your head and becoming mired in “what ifs.” If he comes around again, take things slow and date him without making it serious.

64. Getting back together with your ex is a common dream among young people. However, it can be discouraging when you find out that your ex just wants to get back together because they feel sorry for you or they think they still have feelings for you.

65. Breaking up and getting back together is a part of life. When your relationship is going on the rocks, you’re not sure if you should stick it out or flee. And even when you’re on good terms again, it can be hard to get back into the rhythm of things.

66. Breaking up and getting back together is one of the most painful experiences that people can go through. It’s also sometimes necessary, which makes it all the more difficult to deal with. No matter what kind of breakup you’re going through, there are ways to handle it and get back together again.

67. When you break up with someone, you typically lose that person in your life. They’re no longer a part of your day-to-day routine. In some instances, though, people will get back together. This can be due to any number of reasons: they miss the other person, they realized some things were their fault, etc.

68. If you break up and get back together, it’s probably going to happen again. If the breakup is for a specific reason (kids, work), then it can be very difficult to make yourself believe in the relationship again.

69. Getting back together is a complicated process that requires a lot of careful consideration. Many people who are in the middle of getting their ex back quickly make the mistake of acting rashly when they realize that they still love their ex. This can result in your ex becoming tired and annoyed at your persistence, especially if he or she is dating someone new.

70. You may have heard that breaking up is hard to do. It’s true. Breaking up with someone you love is one of the most difficult things you’ll ever do. And getting back together is just as hard. The trick is not to think of breakups or reconciliations as being all-or-nothing propositions; instead, view them as simply small steps in the direction you want to go.

71. The breakup and getting back together is not a straight path, it’s a little bumpy. It teaches you an important life lesson: You never know what you have until you lose it. And if you give up after the first bump, then you will regret it in the future.

72. Breaking up and getting back together is a common part of relationships. There’s usually a “breakup” in just about every relationship between the time you meet and the time you get married. Some people even have more than one serious breakup before they find “the one.”

73. Breaking up and getting back together happens to everyone. It’s normal to feel sad, angry, or hurt when your significant other breaks up with you. But don’t let those emotions linger for too long—the sooner you work through your feelings, the sooner you’ll be able to appreciate them again.

74. Many millions of people break up and then get back together. This may be the first time in your life that you’ve experienced this, but it’s far from unusual. It can take a lot of courage to get back together after a split, especially if it was an ugly breakup.

75. When you break up, a part of your heart dies. Getting back together is like bringing that piece back to life. Your relationship won’t be the same and it will never be perfect again, but the love is still there and that’s what matters most.

76. Breaking up and getting back together is a common process in many relationships, whether the relationship is a romantic one between two people or a friendship. No matter what type of relationship you are involved with, breaking up can be the hardest part of it.

77. Breaking up and getting back together seems like it should be a hard thing to do, but it can cause a lot of problems if done incorrectly. Hence the need for it to be done right.

78. The cycle of breaking up and getting back together is quite normal. This process can be very destructive and leave you feeling more hurt at the end of the day, but it does not have to be like this.

79. Breaking up, especially with a significant other, can be one of the most painful experiences you’ve ever faced. But getting back together can be even worse. Updating that status from “single” to “in a relationship” and all the work it requires can be exhausting.

80. Breaking up and getting back together is hard enough to do on your own. Dealing with the aftermath of breakup drama won’t just destroy relationships — it can destroy lives. The good news is: You don’t have to go down with the ship.

81. Breaking up and getting back together is a sick, sad, repetitive cycle that can only be broken if you’re willing to admit that it’s unhealthy for both yourself and your partner. Being able to have a respectful conversation about doing something different than fighting over who broke up with whom for the millionth time is key to moving forward.

82. When you break up with someone and get back together, you hope that the reason for breaking up was because they weren’t right in the first place. If they were right, you wouldn’t have broken up in the first place so there would be no reason to get back together.

83. Breaking up can be an incredibly difficult thing to do. It’s often a long process and can take months, or even years, to recover from. Some people seem to bounce back quickly while others take years to get over their exes.

84. Breaking up and getting back together might sound like a headache. But it’s not. The way to approach breaking up is very much the same as you would when breaking into a house: find out how people get in, find the weakest point and make an entrance there, then load up on whatever you want from inside.

85. You may think breaking up and getting back together is a pointless exercise, but it’s one of the most effective ways to achieve long-lasting love.

86. When you break up with someone that you care about and want to get back together with them, it can be hard. But the good news is that it is possible to reunite with your sweetheart! You just need to know how to handle things properly so you can put yourself in a good position for getting back together.

87. Breaking up and getting back together can often be an emotional rollercoaster. But not necessarily a fun one. You may find yourself wanting to break up but still feeling very much in love, or wanting to get back together but wishing it was over already.

88. Breaking up and getting back together is a particularly fraught experience for those who want to make things work. Breaking up with someone you’ve been with for a long time or someone that’s your best friend is not something you ever want to do.

89. One of the most difficult and confusing stages in any relationship is breaking up and getting back together. It seems that no matter what you do, they just can’t get over it! Breaking up and getting back together is especially hard when there is more than one person involved.

90. You can be sure that breaking up and getting back together will make you feel like a rollercoaster! At one point, you’ll feel completely miserable and at another point, you’ll feel like the happiest person on Earth. But keep in mind there is light at the end of the tunnel and it will all work out in the end. Don’t lose hope!

91. Breakups and getting back together are common. They are different from your typical interactions with people around you because of the emotional investment you’ve made. Break up when it feels right, not because someone else thinks it should happen.

92. When a couple breaks up, it can be very difficult to get back together, especially if there’s been infidelity or abuse. Even within the same relationship, there are all sorts of complexities that make it hard to reconnect. The good news is that some couples do get back together.

93. Getting back together after a breakup sounds like the perfect solution to a bad relationship. But doing so before you’re ready can complicate matters, especially if your ex starts pushing for a commitment again.

94. Breaking up and getting back together can feel like a roller coaster of emotions. It’s okay to feel upset when your partner breaks it off, but don’t make decisions based on your emotions. Decide if you want to be with this person and make plans together that will help you both get through some difficult times.

95. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself back together soon. Relationships often return to their normal state when fear and anger subside. If you’re two people who were meant to be together, you’ll find yourselves together again.

96. Breaking up and getting back together is an emotional roller coaster ride for both you and your partner. You may have broken up for a valid reason, but after some time apart you realize that you want to get back together.

97. Breaking up is hard enough, to begin with, but getting back together can be even harder. If you’re determined to get your relationship back on track, you need to know exactly what each of you has to do for things to be right again between you.

98. Breaking up and getting back together can be hard on you both. What will keep your relationship healthy is if you and your partner give each other space and time. Then, when you start feeling better, take another shot at making your relationship work.

99. Break-ups are often an unavoidable part of a relationship. Some people spend years trying to make it work, and when they realize it isn’t going to happen, they split. Likewise, some people get back together with their ex if they miss the person and want them back in their lives. Some had one too many fights and decided that it was best to call it quits for good.

100. Breaking up and getting back together is one of the most confusing things we can do in our lives. You break up with someone, then get back together with that same person over and over again, it is a vicious cycle. This affects not just the two people involved but their families as well.

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