Effects of Interval Training On Serum Lipids, Lipoproteins and Body Fat Patterns Of Nigerian Adult Males.


This investigated the of a 12-week of moderate-intensity interval on serum total (tc), serum triglycerides (tg), low-density lipoprotein (ldl-c),

high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (hdl- c), tcihdl-c, tc/hdl-c ldlc/hdl-c ratios and body fat which include body mass index, conicity index, waist to hip circumferences, and waist to hip ratio (whr) in an untrained adult’s ages 18-25 years.

The participants were randomly assigned to an experimental group (n18) or a control group (n18).

The participants in the experimental group underwent a 12-week interval training in a brisk walk, jogging, and running (1:1iwork-rest ratio) 3 times for 12 weeks at a moderate intensity of 70% maximal heart rate.

Results showed that there was a significant reduction in serum total cholesterol (tc), (p < 0.01), triglycerides (p> 0.01), tg/hdl-c ratio (p 0.01) waist circumference (p 0.01), and a significant increase in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (p> 0.05),

but no changes were shown in low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (ldl-c), waist to hip ratio, body mass index and conicity index with interval training.

Therefore, based on the findings of this study, the researcher recommended that Nigerian adult males should always participate in regular interval training programs of low to moderate intensity to reduce the chances of cardiovascular disease risk factors and to maintain health and fitness for productivity in the general population.


Background of study

The prevalence of lipids, lipoprotein cholesterol including body fat and its distribution in populations has increased over the years and has become a major health problem, thus increasing the risk of coronary heart disease which is a leading cause of death worldwide (Cutler, 2006; Yang, 2005; Drygas, 2000; Franceschini, 2001).

For example, it has been generally suggested that elevated levels of serum cholesterol are the primary and the most independent risk factor in the development of both atherosclerosis and coronary heart diseases both in developing and developed countries (Cutler, 2006, Yang, 2005 and Drygas 2000).

High levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol have been generally accepted to show a protective effect against coronary heart disease (CHO) due to its role in the reverse transport of cholesterol from the peripheral vascular compartment and tissue to the liver to excretion of bile.

This mechanism has been linked or associated with the activity of hepatic lipase (HL) an enzyme that facilitates the role of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol in reverse cholesterol transport from the arterial wall to help keep the arteries open to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD). (Kodama, 2007; William, 1999; Drygas, 2000; Cutler, 2006 and Kelley, 2006).


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